Recent content by Turnabout

  1. Turnabout

    Sets AEther Revolt Spoilers

    Winter Orb
  2. Turnabout

    General Fight Club

    Farseek. Restore is better in the cases when you have the parts, but what if all your fetches and sacrifice utility lands are in the bottom half of your deck?
  3. Turnabout

    General The Roman Emperor Thread

    Thanks! I'm a cube noob, I've been lurking for a bit. My cube is a pretty standard good stuff (on a budget) cube.
  4. Turnabout

    General The Roman Emperor Thread

    Tinder Wall First post. - Underrated card. - More interesting than a Mana elf. - Stalls a turn or two while you set up your ramp. -Removal if you're in RG.