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  1. Rusje

    General CBS

    Do they know your list or not? I.e., if you change your list do they know those changes? If not seed them. If they do, seed them but tell them. So sow.
  2. Rusje

    General Fight Club

    True, but the game has to end somehow. I do not mind that Green has a value machine. It cost 3 mana and one either has to take two turns or a whopping 10 mana to recur the hornet.
  3. Rusje

    General Fight Club

    But if your format is so slow, then your recurring targets are likely not breaking the bank either…
  4. Rusje

    General Fight Club

    True, but 4 2/2 are harder to chump than a 18/6. I am playing with way to old/weak cards to see those silly numbers.
  5. Rusje

    General Fight Club

    If you have threshold at turn five then it is quite strong 5 mana 8 power is even these days still quite strong. It is just not a good self mill target as opposed to the classic roar of the wurm
  6. Rusje

    General Fight Club

    As much as I like the grizzly fate, it is only worth it if one obtains threshold quite easily in your cube with the deck. I play low power, and yes I do not have it in a treshold deck, but it is even for my environment weak. 7 mana flashback for 4 2/2 is even in a low powered environment just...
  7. Rusje

    General Fight Club

    I think genesis is better than the elves. The elves draw a card, genesis the best creature in your yard. Both cost mana to activate. I like that the beast is instant. It is the epitome of the saying fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… It is common courtesy to show cards with flashback...
  8. Rusje

    General CBS

    Thing is, they are often abused by playing your land drop after casting the card... You play the hound on turn 3, and then your land drop. They play very well when you sac your own lands for something.
  9. Rusje

    General Fight Club

    Depends on the power level, but the sailor is a perfect fit for a lower power level draw go control deck due to the flash, the card draw, and it could even kill your opponent!
  10. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    Since mtg is a game, and I hate pay to win, I loathe that cards are really expensive.
  11. Rusje

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    Are you sure you want to have that much advantage on top of the mana boost? 3 damage every turn is a lot, and discarding a card is also no nonsense.
  12. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    Depends. Do you adhere to the dies to removal check or not? Counterspell hasn't been a multi-format all star for a while. The question is how good it would be in standard, I guess playable but not back braking.
  13. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    The removal was as strong in the early days as it is now. Thing is, you can have strong removal and weak creatures and still be bashing heads with those creatures. It will only take longer to kill the opponent.
  14. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    True. But a terror without a target is a dead card, which the wurm is not. (Okay, if there is a moat in play...) That is as Ravnic correctly states the reason why an answer card has to be cheaper (or have another advantage). It is also why it is easier in limited. There one can limit the number...
  15. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    ? As strong as some instants/sorceries have been/are, they are nowhere near overpowered. The power of the threats determine the clock. When one starts at 20 life, the power is different then when one starts at 40. When EDH started, this created slower clocks since the creatures did not have the...
  16. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    Mass Land destruction is the bane of ramp. Exaggerating but it is similar to people who do not like midrange due to the fact that midrange trumps aggro (and they love aggro). It is different when a strategy/colour is just the best, but not having an answer to a strategy due to people liking a...
  17. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    Are you sarcastic? On Internet it is hard to get sarcasm. Wildfire on its own opens up a whole new archetype, which in my book is fun.
  18. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    Or you know plot…
  19. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    Those are indeed great. But also most of them are for adults, or quite oldancient or both. I meant the cartoons made in the last 10 years as new ones.
  20. Rusje

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    Hmm. Let me put it this way: Avatar Aang is great but not a cartoon. Pinguïns of Madagascar is a cartoon I guess and one of the few cgi that I like. If you know great recent cartoons, then I am all game. The Disney/looney toones of recent times are really a shadow of what they were in the past.