Do Androids Dream? (Artifact & Enchantment Cube)

So, here I am with another themed cube experiment. This was brought about with wanting to make green into a more controlling color, making blue ramp, and giving red more depth than just being 'that burn color'. I will say right off the bat that I wasn't super serious when I was drafting out the card choices, but it all sort of grew on me and if y'all like it and help me to make it really tick, I would really love to actually built it.

I initially posted some ideas about creating such a cube in the discussion thread and got great suggestions from some of you like Diakonov, who suggested I break down U+R as the artifact heavy colors while W+G as the enchantment ones, with B as an in-betweener. That really helped to create and identity for the cube itself. Right now I don't think the archetypes are that fleshed out (feels more like just a selection of cards that work with arts/enchs), but here's a small breakdown of the cube and what each color does, or at least aims to do:

(enchantment focus)
Themes: auras, raise dead for enchantments (and artifacts), very slight equipment-matters

(arifact focus)
Themes: ramp, some beatdown (Ensoul Artifact, Esperzoa)

(even split)
Themes: aggro, enchantment creatures, graveyard

(artifact focus)
Themes: heavy sacrifice, reanimating artifacts

(enchantment focus)
Themes: artifact (and enchantment) hate, constellation/enchantress

MULTICOLOR (3 cards for each color combination)
Basically 1 card that works with either (or a build around), 1 that is or works with artifacts and 1 that is or works with enchantments

No clear focus, just threw in all the stuff that I felt played well or were desirable. There is some Myr tribal and +1/+1 counter thingy in there though

And there you have it!
The big issues right now are...

1. Is this all too poisonous?


2. How much artifact/enchantment removal is too much/little?

I would like an answer for really bad stuff but not an answer for everything. Mass removal is also another problem, and for now I have used it rather sparingly. Someone please tell me whether I'm being too conservative, thanks!