Chris Taylor
Nah brah I meant what I said: fuck mishras factory
Some excellent points already made here since I last posted, so, in effort to not rehash too much, let me suggest that we want less Fatestitcher and more Thirst For Knowledge
That first bit we all agree on. Fatestitcher sucked. And while I think some very good points have been made on varying sides of this discussion, I do think that we can do a little better than "well you just have to accept that density isn't there" or "at least the synergistic cards are good in normal decks" or "restrict it to tight color pairings" or what have you. I do think there are compelling arguments behind each of those points, but I want to throw out something new to the discussion.
I'd been sitting around thinking over blue zombies, which is where we started this whole thing, and I realized that what I don't want is to push RB zombies into another color. I want xB zombies to feel differently based on what x is. When you look at our lists, there aren't actually zombies in red; our drafters end up in RB zombies because red lends itself to aggression (which zombies wants) and because goblin bombardment is one hell of an easymode blasting station. So in our undead case study, what you're left with is the challenge of incentivizing your drafters to be in something other than RB zombies.
Now, power level balance is a pain and we all know that, so I'm not gonna claim I have this solved off of just some silly theorycraft. But where I ended up while brainstorming this was "blue cards that are cool in zombies, supplement the deck, but aren't "for" the zombies deck. TFK is great because it's basically a control card, sometimes an artifact deck card, but also happens to be sweet when I'm binning bloodghast. These are the kinds of things I want to do to stretch archetypes into other colors.
The more I start to think this way the more I see (and value) cards that play these roles across a great deal of archetypes. This is the reason I tolerate Kitchen Finks despite the lack of a decision the card is p1p1-the card just does too much in too many archetypes. That may also be the danger in this approach; too many globally applicable cards results in easymode drafting and (incidentally synergistic) value piles. I have to believe though, that focused synergistic decks will always win out over handfuls of semi-synergistic cards.
What other hidden gems are you guys running that do the same thing I'm describing finks and TFK doing?
What other hidden gems are you guys running that do the same thing I'm describing finks and TFK doing?
Skrap said:What other hidden gems are you guys running that do the same thing I'm describing finks and TFK doing?
The awkward thing about it is that fast decks don't want to spend 3 mana on nothing, and slow decks don't want to sacrifice lands.
I think it'd get broken with an activation cost of 1. Turn 4 make 8 tokens? Turn 5 make 10?