There once was a prophet from Hanweir
Who turned his lands into thin air
His methods were mad
But there's much to be said
For more gas in your 3D square
-anonymous, probably
This list is quite stunning.
But hardly 1st or even the 4th coming
of change.
And change is always met with harsh criticism.
But for good reason, not simple cynicism.
Your way works, and change threatens to change that.
Many things work now that could work better.
But a promise of better never promises to break faith's fetters
Telling you that yesterday should resemble today.
Telling you that the road you rode in on writes in stone the right path or the right math to find it.
There's Too Many Lands to explore in one lifetime,
and maybe repetition is more fun than a mission bitchin' at windmills that ruined your draft.
I try to make a joke 'r two, but this joker's too concerned about stupid lands to worry if his stupid joke lands.
So for now, the windmills have my attention,
and I'm working on checking off on 5 or 6 more boxes
before i decide my 6 sided box is ready to blow away the box it was born in.
Call it an experiment in extravagant linearity,
or a hellbent crusade to fix fixing
that wasn't broken.
Prophecy isn't an exact science,
but it is exact.
A beautiful fantasy of windmills in ruins and i can't see anything else,
blown all away when the darkness leaves my dreaming eyes.
It's rather tilting.