Card/Deck Opalescence and Gods


This is possibly the wrong place to ask this question and if I were to delve into the depths of the internet it may already be answered, but does anyone know exactly how Opalescence interacts with the Theros God cards? If devotion to white is <5, Heliod with Opalescence on the table is a 4/4. If Devotion is 5 or more, in what situations will Heliod be a 5/6 and in what situations will he be a 4/4?
After checking, it seems that opalescence goes over their usual p/t

But apparently there is also layers and timestamps and headache.

Chris Taylor

Just...just don't do it.
For the same reason you don't play humility anywhere, the onus is on you to know the answers to these questions. And you won't know them all.