W. B. Rug's Wall Emporium

Welcome to W. B. Rug's Wall Emporium! :eek: What a savings!

Ahem! Hi! I'm bumbeh and I like drafting. My first draft was with a friend's Innistrad C/U set and I still enjoy that format quite a bit. My first cube was a theme cube - mostly just jamming in cards that feel "magical" or have cool mechanics. A Vorthos/Johnny cube with a splash of Timmy. For cockatrice drafting only.

This time around, I'ma actually own the cards for in-person drafting. So to limit my search space and keep costs down, I'm only doing Commons and Uncommons. I can make some proxies but I'm mostly buying 9 cent cards to fill the cube.

If any of you folks would like to help me pick cool C/Us for this cube, that's fantastic!

Design goals:

1: I'll provide a different experience from my friend's cube. Her cube looks pretty similar to the CubeTutor 450, so let's avoid "CUBE STAPLES!".

2: Play around with some slightly uncommon archetypes, namely: defenders matter, +1 counters matter, and "sometimes black doesn't do combat, it just drains you to death".

3: Avoid single card bombs like Jetting Glasskite or Ninja of the Deep Hours in favor of cards that blossom with a little bit of support, like Slith Strider or Riddlesmith.

Color Pie:

The stuff in the spoiler is NOT important. Skip it unless you're super curious.

Khans is the hotness and seeing the surprisingly non-boring commons in Khans made me want to start this cube. I especially love Abzan. Abzan + RoE = Defender Matters. (Also, +1/+1 counters matter.) Defenders can stall a game out, though, so that also means Anti Wall cards to punch damage through. So Walls and Anti Walls are a thing.

Knowing that I like Abzan, I next decided that Orzhov is the core part of it for me. You know what that means: extort! So the default, officially supported Orzhov game inside the Abzan game is to hide behind defenders and other blockers while draining your opponent's life down, then hitting them with a big sorcery, ETB, or sac finisher along the lines of Wall of Limbs.

I initially thought my color wheel was going to look like GWBUR. And I started putting the cube together that way. But that means WBU would be one of my shards/wedges and... oh gosh please no. BU in general is already a natural combo and it can lead to un-fun games against a Control Deck Of Doom. So players will surely be able to make Dimir decks due to the natural synergies of BU and maybe even WBU decks, but I don't want to support it directly.

You'll recall that Orzhov is already locked in and I'm excited about it, therefore because I want WB to happen but I don't want WBU to happen, that means my color wheel can only work in two ways: W-B-R-U-G or W-B-G-U-R. The latter is just 5 wedges straight up, Khans style. That would be straightforward and easy. Of course, due to me being a big fat Johnny who likes to pretend that I'm creative, I will not do this obvious and natural thing!

So our color pie encourages Abzan, Temur, Mardu, Bant and Grixis. Dual-color support will be strongest for {W/B}, {G/W},{G/U},{U/R}, and {B/R} . Compared to the other way (Khans-style 5 wedges), we miss out on supporting {B/G} and {R/W}. I'm a little nervous about supporting Izzet, I feel like Izzet is naturally a very strong pair in draft, but we'll see.

I don't think Bant's Exalted will actually see play, because it's janky. But it's easy to tie Bant cards to each other with +1 counters stuff. Unearth might actually get some action, it's a fun effect that doesn't spiral out of control as easily as real Reanimator stuff does.

Now I'm sad to lose Boros, Boros is a lot of fun, BUT so is Rakdos. Rakdos plays into the aforementioned sacrifice game, and it means Black "loss of life" win cons can be paired with Red FACEBURN. I don't mind missing out on Golgari because what we get instead is Simic. Simic takes the traditionally most straightforward color and pairs it with a color that does a lot of fun tricks and shenanigans, which can be a lot more dynamic and exciting than the ramp/reanimator stuff of Golgari.

Incidentally, the color combinations that aren't overtly supported include many color combinations that naturally work well even without support, I think. Jund decks will probably happen. Dimir decks will certainly happen.

(TL;DR for the above: We're doing this primarily because Abzan is nifty, I don't enjoy playing or facing Esper, and I don't want to just copy Khans by doing five wedges.)

{B}{B}{B}{B}{B} in my friend's cube is heavy on the value EtBs, like Phyrexian Gargantua, Shriekmaw, and Gravedigger. That naturally leads towards Dimir gameplay which is not a focus in this cube. So my primary supported wincon for black is to hide behind blockers while draining your life away. Classic evil villain stuff. Lowest emphasis on the Combat phase out of all 5 colors. I will be sad if this ends up being too boring of a gameplay style, but I want to try it. Including scary finishers that make players feel nervous about being below 10 health against Black is key, I think, to keeping the tension high.

As far as other wincons, Black also has some ability to particpate in the Outlast game that White and Green enjoy, or combo with Red for more direct burn to the face and sacrifice/death triggers. Black needs some "pay life" cards to take advantage of widely available lifegain in the cube.

Black's opinion on the Wall / Anti Wall game: black loves walls, and is happy to ignore your Walls by bleeding you out with life loss. Black therefore does not need wallbusting tech.

{R}{R}{R}{R}{R} is the home of the greatest number of wallbusting cards. Whether it's cards that directly blow up Defenders, cards that nuke already-damaged creatures, acts of treason or "cannot block this turn" effects, Red hates walls. Testing will show whether it has too much wall hate or not.

Red is our most straightforward color in this Cube. It wants to punch you in the face with creatures early, punch you in the face with creatures hard, and polish you off with a little burn as needed. As stated, Red likes to sac stuff with Black.

Red Blue will probably be the purest, scariest aggro pairing, vaulting over blockers in order to draw cards and clobber.

{U}{U}{U}{U}{U} is not as much about punching you in the face as it is about poking you in the eye. Tempo/looters are the name of the early game here. Theoretically, you use the looting to draw more looters to poke more eyes, powering through removal by drawing more creatures. I This creature-spam technique can trigger Evolves, and the evasive creatures will occasionally swing for massive damage thanks to Green or Red instants.

Blue control sees a lot of play in my friend's cube, so I aim to go light on that and see how it goes.

Blue doesn't build walls or smash them very much, but will endeavor to fly over or walk through the walls. Blue also packs the odd P/T swapping effect for entertaining results against creatures that are all toughness.

{G}{G}{G}{G}{G} wants to go big. Whether that means ramping into big green creatures, putting down a horde of white or blue weenies, or spraying +1 tokens all over everything, green wants to build-a-bear, awaken the bear, and then Bear Punch you. I want green decks to actually use green creatures, because I feel like green is often a backup singer in a normal cube. I think the way to do this is to ensure the biggest, sexiest creatures are green, so while you might primarily cast other colors in the midgame, your biggest lategame creature options will have 2 to 4 green mana symbols on them.

Green is a Defenders Matter color. Green likes to ramp behind walls and then bring the big bad beasties. It doesn't have great ways to remove annoying walls, but past a certain point green will turn trampling beasties sideways and the walls will have to either get chumped or get out of the way.

{W} {W} {W} {W} {W} has the least clear identity. Right now, my idea of White isn't very different from other Cubes, though that's not necessarily a problem. White likes having a lot of creatures on the field, combat tricks, and spot removal. White is participating in Defenders, +1/+1 tokens and Outlast, and is the home of Lifegain Matters. WB hides behind the walls to drain you, but WG buffs up and attacks you. WB might end up dabbling in some Auramancy. White is likely to see some Battalion or Battle Cry action, which will work well for people who want to play {R/W}or {W/U} despite the low amount of official support for those pairings.

{1} {2} {3} {4} {5} None of the artifacts are going to be show stoppers, because you shouldn't lose due to not having arti removal. Artifacts are going to let Green do the bulk of the ramping, but artifacts might help with the fixing. Overall, artifacts are going to play a pretty quiet role so that there's room for multicolor cards to be loud and exciting.

Power Level:

I might be able to pilfer some cards from Eric Chan's list. I'm with him on the "lower power = more variety" train. Though snapcaster mage obviously can't fit into my cube.

On Gatherer, my rule of thumb is to focus on cards that have a community rating between 3.0 and 4.0. It's not a hard rule, because ratings are subjective and vary wildly according to format, but it helps focus my search. I've seen some 4.2 cards that look like they wouldn't break my cube, but at 4.4 on up things get a little bomb-like.

Help Wanted:

As you can see, I already have a pretty clear idea about the direction I want to head. But I have a long way to go. So if you can suggest C/U stuff that fits the themes, that's the biggest help I'm looking for. I'd also like to know if white's themes are too muddled, or if black's theme is too monolithic. I've probably got some rookie mistakes.

Here's the cube in its current state, it's quite unfinished but at least my goals are clear!

Last thing. Here are the archetypes I think I'm going for. Some of these are probably not actually Archetypes, but I don't know how else to phrase / think of them.
Archetypes that are officially intended:
WB drain/gain. WB pump from lifegain and sac triggers.
WG midrange. WG defenders.
GU card advantage/evolve creature spam (so... tempo?)
UR aggroaggroaggro
RB sac/burn

The three-color stuff seems to just be a mash of the relevant two-color themes. Is that normal or should I find a way to give them a unique identity?
Light graveyard interaction, sac, burn (Grixis)
+1 counters matter (Bant)
Outlast pump from behind walls (Abzan)
All the best removal + weenie rush (Mardu)
Ramp+card advantage+fatties (Temur)

Not-officially-supported things that probably work fine because they naturally work fine. If there are ways to discourage GoodStuff decks that'd be cool to know about.
Jund goodstuff
Boros battalions
Dimir control
Jeskai weenie aggro
blue or green centric Goodstuff
I apologize so much for all of this text. And thank you very much if you find the time to read this and help me fill up the cube.
Budget!! Going in with the intent of using blockers playing a major role in your cube sounds cool- I have no idea how it would play in practice, but it SOUNDS fun.

Just glancing through your list, I have to say the general power level across your colors is a little worrying- how anti-bomb do you want to be, exactly? Bellowing tanglewurm is possibly the most absurd thing in your prototype by a long shot. I think to make the defender theme work you have to find out how easily you want your walls to become outclassed- do you want your opponent to need to go around/over them, or are you ok with outlast creatures becoming too big for walls in just a couple turns? I think that's the baseline for your power level.

I'll throw a load of suggestions at you once you decide on that specifically. I think your concept is a great place for the Exalted mechanic to make a home- there are plenty of creatures with it that don't really want to attack.
I think to make the defender theme work you have to find out how easily you want your walls to become outclassed

The way people tell it, a stalled-out game is the worst thing ever in cube. Having watched helplessly as a Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage did its thing wile I passed the time hoping to topdeck some removal, I guess I'd agree.

So I want walls to be circumventable. Blue and Red, especially, should have a pretty easy time hopping over the walls when the players are at 4 and 5 land drops. Heck, getting past walls on turn 1 and 2 is allowed, so long as it's a temporary effect. (that's why I'm a big fan of "can't block this turn" - you can use it when you're most ready to do big damage - or when your opponent is tapped out - but you can't easily ignore the board to repeatedly go for the face unless you chain more "this turn" cards.)

But those who want to stall should be able to use the walls to keep from being overwhelmed too early or with too little work on the aggro players' part. And green of course will cash out their walls for mana or card draw even when the walls are no longer relevant.

do you want your opponent to need to go around/over them, or are you ok with outlast creatures becoming too big for walls in just a couple turns? I think that's the baseline for your power level.

Does outlast really trivialize blockers that quickly? It costs mana that I'd otherwise prefer to cast spells with, and taps the creature. I didn't think including Outlast would be trivializing the defenders, especially because many of them have Outlast themselves! But if that happens a lot I might have to dial back the Outlasting.

I'm wary of Exalted because if you attack with only one creature and it gets removed or tapped or bounced, you've wasted your combat phase for a whole turn. With battalion/battle cry effects, the trigger still goes off and applies to any of your creatures that are still standing when the Deal Damage phase occurs. I guess the Akrasa blokes fit so dang well into Defenders Matter that I might as well throw them in, but I don't think I want to go any further than that. I'm open to convincing arguments but I have a pretty strong dislike for Exalted.

Maybe Exalted (and Voltron type stuff in general) will be successful if I make most of my removal Sorcery speed, but I'm sure there are hidden costs and drawbacks to doing so - plus most of the removal out there seems to be instant, so I lose a lot of options if I stick to Sorceries.

I popped the Tanglewurm out of the list. I haven't seen it in play so I wasn't really attached to it. I want to be pretty generous to green because green tends to go unused, or to be used to power up a more exciting color, in my friend's cube. But I don't wanna overdo it.

Earlier, I asked folks to "suggest cheap cards", but realistically I don't expect people to price check all their suggestions, so just go ahead and suggest away, and I'll do the price checking somehow later. There's surely a site that lets you check the price on a bunch of cards at once.

Check out the new additions in the blog! I try to mention the reasons for each addition so it's easier to grok.


I don't know if this helps provide some perspective, but I run a tension between blockers and attackers as well. I think the easiest way to express the idea is with these three cards:

If turn one noble is on the play (and faces no disruption), it will be a 3/3 by the time armored skaab comes down, and will be stopped cold by the skaab. However, if the noble player is running something to blank a blocker/disrupt the curve, such as a (conveniently) 3cc act of treason or man-o'-war, they get rewarded with a 4/4 that can crush past the armored skaab.

It encourages people to commit to the board early: the noble player to race under defenses, and the skaab player to have some redundancy in defenses/disruption.

Of course, that gives the cube a more tempo feel to it, while you may be looking for something that feels more grindy, where the walls just stop things until the aggro player can cobble together some monster to smash or evade through.

Chris Taylor

Bumbeh: Proxy! No shame in giving cards a test run and collecting them over time, cubes are a huge financial outset already between sleeves and shit, nobody (sane) expects you to shill out for 400+ cards all for the fun of providing a service to your playgroup
Bumbeh: Proxy! No shame in giving cards a test run and collecting them over time, cubes are a huge financial outset already between sleeves and shit, nobody (sane) expects you to shill out for 400+ cards all for the fun of providing a service to your playgroup
Fine, fine, fine. I actually have 60 crap-ass cards ready to be proxied, but I haven't come up with a method yet. Mostly because my partner keeps shooting down all my ideas. If you have any better ways to proxy, lay it on me.

"I'll use an eraser to gently rub the ink off the front of the card, then write on it!" Her: "It'll damage the card, marking it so I can tell them from the backs!"

"I'll print out proxies on regular paper, slightly smaller than a card, then insert them in the sleeve with a card." Her: "Ink is really expensive! You can only do one sheet that way."

"I'll paint the cards white, then write on them with a marker!" Her: "That'll make the card thicker and/or warp it, I'll be able to tell them apart."


Under the assumption that a suitable way to proxy will be found, I'll start just putting any cool card in the cube and see what happens. I'm still keeping it to C/U but I'm no longer restricting it to Modern or passing over expensive cards.

As before, if you have any suggestions lay em on me! Here's the reboot of the cube:


Chris Taylor

Fine, fine, fine. I actually have 60 crap-ass cards ready to be proxied, but I haven't come up with a method yet. Mostly because my partner keeps shooting down all my ideas. If you have any better ways to proxy, lay it on me.

"I'll use an eraser to gently rub the ink off the front of the card, then write on it!" Her: "It'll damage the card, marking it so I can tell them from the backs!"

"I'll print out proxies on regular paper, slightly smaller than a card, then insert them in the sleeve with a card." Her: "Ink is really expensive! You can only do one sheet that way."

"I'll paint the cards white, then write on them with a marker!" Her: "That'll make the card thicker and/or warp it, I'll be able to tell them apart."


Under the assumption that a suitable way to proxy will be found, I'll start just putting any cool card in the cube and see what happens. I'm still keeping it to C/U but I'm no longer restricting it to Modern or passing over expensive cards.

As before, if you have any suggestions lay em on me! Here's the reboot of the cube:


-Printing paper and putting them in a sleeve is probably the best way. Fast and easy. Tell her it's cheaper than buying all these yourself. You don't even need a good printer for these to look good. I've got a 5 year old 20$ printer, and people confuse my printouts for being the real card (Though that's possibly because my sleeves are hella cloudy from age)
-White paint + marker seems like it would be the same thickness as the foil de-ink proxies my wife makes. They're a bit thicker, but not enough to be able to cheat with them or whatever. Not as nice visually though, and tons of work.
-Eraser can work, but that is waaaay more effort than you need.

I'd recommend printing em out. Printer ink is a bit expensive, but actual magic cards are way moreso. Having the art on cards is something amazing you won't notice until it's gone, so I'd highly recommend not just writing the rules text on something and call it a day


Having the art on cards is something amazing you won't notice until it's gone, so I'd highly recommend not just writing the rules text on something and call it a day


I suspect this is what gives me the oddly compelling need to self-illustrate all of my 'testing-proxies', which are just quick paper cut-outs jobs. I mean, obviously I am not James Stevenson level yet, but I did bust out the coloured pencils.

(Oddly I do have another Hierarch kicking around, I just haven't picked it up from the friend who was using it)


I had a hunt around for some of the older ones I had, since this one seemed to bring such joy.

Here you go, a Gamekeeper (HOW IS THERE SO MUCH TEXT ON THIS CARD?!)

This one a friend did, for Android: Netrunner

She is basically better than me at everything, including, but not limited to, summarising rules text; drawing; and representing the clergy as cats.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I mean, obviously I am not James Stevenson level yet, but I did bust out the coloured pencils.

Wow boy am I glad I was reading this thread! I didn't know anybody remembered that/I only vaguely remember posting my tokens. I'm working on a Goblin token right now, it's basically Ishi-Ishi when he's middle-aged and bored. It's coming along great :)

I wanted to post here to really belatedly welcome Bumbeh! Yo man! You've posting cool stuff and getting people to draft and it's really nice to have you here. What do you want for dinner?

And that is all I have to say right now.
Graveyard -> Bfield = everyone wants EtB creatures. And ridiculous fatties to cheat into play from the graveyard. Which is fun, I do etb/blink/reanimate decks all the time in my friend's cube, but I wanna try something different.

Black is graveyard cleanup - hating out white's "recover a cheap creature" and Delve, even though Sultai's not a thing here. Normally in Cube you might want to be cautious with your Delves, because you might wanna save something for reanimation. If we take reanimation out of the picture, you can go hog wild with your Delves.

The natural followup is - Delve spells have hiiiigh mana costs. What can you folks give me for "black CMC matters" cards?

Wow... does Riddle of Lightning get played with Delve stuff in standard right now? That's hot.
How do you want high mana costs to matter? Like are we going full on erratic explosion/Riddle of Lightning, or something more tame?

I was hoping for black cards, but uhhhhhh they can be somewhat exciting. Instants aren't allowed to outclass Crosis's Charm but sorceries can be big and mean. Especially black, black is my win-with-spells color. Yes I realize there's more support for that in Izzet.

Chris Taylor

Wow... does Riddle of Lightning get played with Delve stuff in standard right now? That's hot.

I was hoping for black cards, but uhhhhhh they can be somewhat exciting. Instants aren't allowed to outclass Crosis's Charm but sorceries can be big and mean. Especially black, black is my win-with-spells color. Yes I realize there's more support for that in Izzet.

I don't think it does, but you're welcome to try :p

The most I can think of for black doing similar things is this guy:
That's quite a price. Guess I'll have to try the red CMC-related spells. At least for my cards that are intended to go in Rakdos/Mardu, which are the primary "nuke them to death" color sections.

Here's what I'm thinking of putting in for the Temur decks.