Recent content by Kirblinx

  1. Kirblinx

    General [Voting] 72-card Nanocube

    I didn't enter or vote because I just have no idea how nano-cubes work. I was trying to get my head around having a tiny deck and not losing to drawing out every time or how the drafts actually played out. I think I need to see one of these IRL to see how they actually work so I didn't want to...
  2. Kirblinx

    General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

    That was awfully quick. Nice job. I have a feeling with this one that the trick is to just use the bouncelands to keep bouncing themselves every turn to keep getting landfall triggers. Am I right?
  3. Kirblinx

    RiptideLab Most Reacted to Posts of 2024

    Nice catch. I've fixed it.
  4. Kirblinx

    RiptideLab Most Reacted to Posts of 2024

    Hello! Been a long time since I've done one of these (almost feels like it's been a year maybe) so I thought I better do another one. Forum is still chugging along, the back half of the year is always in a bit of a lull but the reactions were still high. Heck of a year of releases, MKM, OTJ...
  5. Kirblinx

    Aston's Cube

    What a bunch of names to drop. Little did they realise they were in the midst of the creator of the 'Bald Whovian Trading Post'. A more privileged title than any of these people have.
  6. Kirblinx

    General CBS

    Youtube be random like that. I searched for the video, they released it a year ago then somehow a month ago it managed to just pile on the views. Might have snuck into some Balatro algorithm or something.
  7. Kirblinx

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    Just wanted to point out that the release notes for the Playtest cards came out a couple of days ago. You can read it here: There are some pretty good jokes in there and was a fun read. Here are a couple to whet the...
  8. Kirblinx

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Just have to use the old 'Hold the ones I want to keep in and flip it over' trick.
  9. Kirblinx

    General CBS

    *Cries in Pauper* (Insert Sob emoji here)
  10. Kirblinx

    Kirblinx's MTGO Adventures + Sometimes Cube

    Just touching base with my MTGO adventures. I still play the pauper challenge every Saturday and have managed to make the finals 3 times so far this year. It's just hard trying to maintain both a twitter and a youtube channel. The main reason I wanted to post here is because I have become...
  11. Kirblinx

    General CBS

    I don't think this will have a cascading effect. They are just trying out new things with MTGO. Some people were already playing this in the casual rooms they are just trying to make some money off it now that someone else has ownership of it (Daybreak) they are trying other avenues to try and...
  12. Kirblinx

    General [Voting] 30+ Eggs in one Basket Contest

    I'm yet to vote and won't vote on my own. Got to mull over the options a bit. Definitely an eclectic mix of entries, was not expecting a 5-colour egg! I also wanted to give a response to my judgement
  13. Kirblinx

    General (BLB) Bloomburrow Spoilers

    I don't like deleting posts so I shifted the posts of the dupe thread here. Looks a little weird because of date stamps but at least it has a new home.
  14. Kirblinx

    General [Contest] 30+ Eggs in one Basket

    Just like last time, I'm hung up on alternative win conditions. So let's see if we can line up some Hedrons... The Hedron Puzzle Box Hedron Alignment Hedron Alignment Hedron Alignment Hedron Alignment So I could talk about archetypes and what not, but I really didn't go that deep into it...
  15. Kirblinx

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Okay, that was a fun little side tangent now wasn't it. I've merged some double posts so the forum flows a bit better. I've given out some warnings and had some good talks. They haven't spoiled any common cards for this set, so I have nothing else to really say on this set yet.