RedShirtDown's latest activity

  • RedShirtDown
    RedShirtDown replied to the thread General Fight Club.
    How about Invasion of Karsus/Refraction Elemental? It's a small wrath at a decent rate, and it gives you an extra game piece/decision...
  • RedShirtDown
    I'm going to give it a shot in my Combat Cube. I used to run Goblin Wizardry but felt that it was a hair to underpowered. The modality...
  • RedShirtDown
    How about Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer? It's not necessarily only meant for mono blue, but it's good for blue things and the ult (which I've...
  • RedShirtDown
    RedShirtDown replied to the thread Cube Content Question.
    You got me! I was trying to keep it low-key, not trying to self-promote until the content's worth sharing. That said did you watch, and...
  • RedShirtDown
    RedShirtDown replied to the thread Cube Content Question.
    Sorry, yes, you've got the right idea. My target audience is for people who are cube curious! The premise is opening a bulk buy off of...
  • RedShirtDown
    RedShirtDown replied to the thread General CBS.
    I only run D&D and LotR in my main cubes for the same reason. I like keeping things thematically consistent. That said, I'm in the...
  • RedShirtDown
    RedShirtDown replied to the thread General CBS.
    That's Magic, the good and the bad. The same system that can screw/flood is also one that allows players/drafters to fully customize the...
  • RedShirtDown
    That's where I really appreciated the work ellogeyen did to put the summaries together. I was able to peruse the descriptions and pick...
  • RedShirtDown
    I've started a Youtube series on building a cube from a bulk buy, and I've got a question for the community at large. Right now I'm...
  • RedShirtDown
    Hi, I'm RedShirtDown and this contest brought me over from the 'other place'. The restriction was just too cool to pass up! Anyways...