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  1. L

    General Beta two player draft project

    Thank you. I will see if I can get my brother over to play a few drafts this week.
  2. L

    General Beta two player draft project

    I've built a placeholder for the project. Current plans include doubling or tripling (or more with Plague Rats) up on the creatures. I like the amount of sorcery speed interactions. Tunnel vs walls seems interesting to me. I'm hoping that...
  3. L

    General Beta two player draft project

    I will work on getting a list posted. The set is small, at least factoring in my budgetary constraints. Beta only has 80 commons, and that includes basic lands, Circles of Protection, and a few clunkers. There are less than 100 uncommon cards, and some of those are out of my immediate reach. I...
  4. L

    General Beta two player draft project

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience curating a two player draft format. I have a small stack of common and uncommon cards from beta. Nothing ridiculous or expensive, just vanilla spells and creatures. My plan is to continue to scoop up a couple of cards each week and slowly assemble...