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  1. Velrun

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    Just let it cost {B/R}
  2. Velrun

    General Fight Club

    The cheap cantrip roadblock for me.
  3. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    I didn’t say it was a premiere expansion slot set. Just that we are going back to Eldraine in the Standard set after the next Standard set. Some people don’t follow all the news rigorously but still appreciate the information being shared on Riptidelab. So I shared :)
  4. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    Same But I also liked Arcavios (Strixhaven) and Ixalan.
  5. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    Lessons and learn + adventures are my favorite. Okay I have changed my mind. Now they are my wishes. We are going back to Eldraine in the Standard set after the next Standard set by the way.
  6. Velrun

    Sets (MoM) April of the Machines Previews

    This article about battles confirmed my guess from earlier about the flavor non-foil behind the battles: Here...
  7. Velrun

    Sets (MoM) April of the Machines Previews

  8. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    Well you are in luck. On of the good changes they made to the game a few years ago was to include an existing keyword in each set. For March of the Machines it is convoke but every set has a returning keyword or mechanic of some sort.
  9. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    I would argue Charging Monstrosaur is a win for every format and cube :P
  10. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    I have failed
  11. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    Easily and with pleasure :P You will get bored after a few sets in a row with the same mechanics. Imagine after 3 years of the same shit. Imagine after 10 years of repetitive gameplay. Consider your mind changed :P
  12. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    Wow, so accurate. Never thought about this before even though I often had the same problem. This actually never occured to me. I hope they give us more now.
  13. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    Simple put, for me it’s all the extra sets Wizards produce each year. I don’t want them to cut down on Standard legal story-driven sets that introduce new planes to explore with new art style or continue the lore on existing planes. No it’s all the extra sets and among them are the Horizon...
  14. Velrun

    General Wishlist for MH3 Archetypes: What’s Yours?

    Off topic for a brief moment My wish for MH3 is that they would stop doing Modern Horizons and all these other products. In my opinion this is what makes Magic a worse game than it use to be. Okay enough bitter for now. On with your wishes and on topic discussions :)
  15. Velrun

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    Yeah or use another name than ransom. It was a playtest card after all.
  16. Velrun

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    I actually really like all three But ransom has to be {2} or even {1} to be a thing opponent will ever choose.
  17. Velrun

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    Didn’t think about that convoking has haste. Oh…You are probably right then. Onde did think about it and made it legendary. It’s a awful topdeck just like most other aggro 1 drops. I would think it’s interesting to include in a cube. At least until players start complaining about it.
  18. Velrun

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    You found the perfect art
  19. Velrun

    General (MOM) March of the Machines Testing/Includes Thread!

    Velrun only thinks about one thing and it’s fucking disgusting :P Jokes aside I will most likely also include these because I find them super useful without breaking anything. And they also seem to fit well into a D&D setting. Seal from ExistenceVolcanic SpiteAtraxa’s Fall And I have...
  20. Velrun

    Sets (MoM) April of the Machines Previews

    THIS is what I’m talking about, hell yeah!! I really love these cards Seal from ExistenceVolcanic SpiteAtraxa’s Fall The Oblivion Rings where always too much all or nothing to me. Huge advantage when resolved, huge blowout when destroyed. This is a perfect middle for me. This is one of the...