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  1. Nemo

    General [Lucky Paper] When Trivia Beats Strategy

    Good read. Damage spells with "damage to any target" wording are exactly what I look for. Why is that confusing?
  2. Nemo

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Green does have a curious lack of sacrifice effects. There's Life's Legacy, but it's bad with little tokens. Maybe Eldritch Evolution. How about these? Curious ForagerBushy Bodyguard I was looking at the colorless sacrifice outlets as a supplemental solution when I tried to confront this...
  3. Nemo

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    I already put in an order for 30 or so cards from the main set, but you guys have me talked into this one too, now. I'm pretty happy to add a nice batch of generally useful cube cards like Cephalid Inkmage and Dragon Trainer to the cube collection box. I'm not going to know what cards make it...
  4. Nemo

    General [DFT] Aetherdrift

    I tend to agree with ravnic that racing and murder mystery are awkward flavor combos with MtG. If the cards would fit nicely into my cube I wouldn't care, but it actually does bother me when the pictures have funny hats and the creature types and names are detectives on cards that I might...
  5. Nemo

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    Agreed. What's wrong with putting some lore on the cards? I'm under the impression that adults are a big part of the demographic, so it doesn't seem necessary to market the flavor to a Nickelodeon audience.
  6. Nemo

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    Agreed, this one is cool. I actually like 1/3 as the stat line, because prowess matters more on a body like this. A 2/1 prowess creature doesn't benefit that much from a +1/+1 boost unless it's killing an x/3 in combat, and it's still probably dying in the process. But a 1/3 going to a 2/4 can...
  7. Nemo

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    Slagstorm reprint makes me happy. Finally a printing of this card in M15 border.
  8. Nemo

    General CBS

    After playing Arena continuously since Adventures in Forgotten Realms, I've finally stopping caring about keeping up with the daily quests. Arena suffers from relentlessly Spiky play due to the daily wins incentives, and I've grown tired if it. The last time I felt jazzed about getting new...
  9. Nemo

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    I agree. The lineup system is familiar by now, but I thought it was a weird change when it came out all those years ago. And yes, I still like damage on the stack. It's bias based on things I enjoyed played back in the day.
  10. Nemo

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    More reasons to cube and not play other formats.
  11. Nemo

    General After Full Set Reveal

    I've been impatiently checking for updates on this one. I don't have to love every card, but I have high hopes for some cool new stuff with a classic, elegant feel to it. I really hope the designers did some of their best work on this set (MtG Foundations, for readers from the future).
  12. Nemo

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    Me too. They put out a preview schedule here:
  13. Nemo

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    I did some searching, and it seems that WPN sellers were allowed to do "Early Sales' starting with BRO, meaning they could sell singles when pre releases begin. And that seems to still be in effect for...
  14. Nemo

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    I seem to remember singles being available as soon as the prereleases happened on a recent set. But this time they are back to making us wait the extra week to buy singles. Did that happen, or am I showing signs of cognitive decline?
  15. Nemo

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Is this any good? Into the Pit It can sacrifice Demonic Pact, which is neat. It's a nice use for your recurring weenies and tokens, especially something cheap like a treasure. I'll probably buy a copy.
  16. Nemo

    Article [Lucky Paper] Cube Retrospective for 2024 Standard Rotation

    Nice article idea! I like the idea of a top five with my reasons why, so here's mine: 5)Reclusive Taxidermist This is my favorite 2 mana elf right now, because it can also support aggro and graveyard. Love it. 4)Cathar Commando It's hard to find enchantment and artifact removal that isn't just...
  17. Nemo

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    I like the most boring stuff, but this can probably go into my beginner cube along with Bear Trap. Frantic Strength That cube runs some combat tricks, and I like equipment and auras with flash. This is now the best green flash aura option for me unless they decide to make something at two mana...
  18. Nemo

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Manifest Dread is a cool mechanic. It's too many lines of text for my tastes, but I can't deny how many cool things it does. Putting it into the same set as delirium made a lot of sense.
  19. Nemo

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Vengeful Possession[ Adding a rummage to this makes it nicely versatile. I always think it would be cool to have a Act of Treason spell for sacrifice, aggro, and spells, but it always seems too weak. Maybe with the rummage it's enough to make it worth the while. I guess Bloody Betrayal is...
  20. Nemo

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    I'm not sold on the idea that 3/2 for 2 mana is a great idea for my cube. I'm also excited to have Bear Trap. It's better than Silver Bolt because it doesn't have lame werewolf text.