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  1. Onderzeeboot

    General [Voting] 72-card Nanocube

    I feel super ill-equipped to cast a vote :oops:
  2. Onderzeeboot

    General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

    I used multiple posts for my contest as well. The results were spread over multiple brackets, with one post for each bracket, and then more posts for the knockdown stage :)
  3. Onderzeeboot

    General Jank Spotlight

    Unfortunately they safeguarded against loops with that one by requiring two red to go through the motions, while it only gives one red with its ability.
  4. Onderzeeboot

    General Jank Spotlight

    Heartless Summoning is pretty iffy, the rest is playable for sure
  5. Onderzeeboot

    General Fight Club

    Because recent printings of the card omit the reminder text, I assume.
  6. Onderzeeboot

    General Fight Club

    I don't believe there is, unfortunately.
  7. Onderzeeboot

    General Fight Club

    "fo:" searches in the full Oracle text, and Child of Night's Oracle text doesn't include the Lifelink reminder text anymore, despite having versions with reminder text :( E.g.:
  8. Onderzeeboot

    The Penny Pincher Cube (360)

    Building and drafting one of the classic Riptide cubes is the opposite of disrespectful! Love it!
  9. Onderzeeboot

    General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

    I made the original cheating comment as a total joke, hur all this time I assumed your deck should be exactly 15 cards, but it’s the cube size that’s set (and 72). So at running Yorion requires you mess up your spells to land ratio. That’s actually funny XD
  10. Onderzeeboot

    General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

    Yorion gives you a different card minimum though, not a different card maximum. There is no maximum!
  11. Onderzeeboot

    General [DFT/DRC] Aetherdrift Testing/Includes Thread!

    Oh shit, I forgot about Aetherdrift Commander! Even more goodies! Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Pia Nalaar, Chief Mechanic Saheeli Radiant Creator Temmet, Naktamun's Will Rhet-Tomb Mystic Territorial Aetherkite Peema Trailblazer Adaptive Omnitool Stridehanger Automaton So, I'm not sure I want all of...
  12. Onderzeeboot

    General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

    So far you’ve got exactly 16 submissions. The perfect number for a knockout tournament! :)
  13. Onderzeeboot

    General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

    Sir. That’s cheating.
  14. Onderzeeboot

    General [DFT/DRC] Aetherdrift Testing/Includes Thread!

    I have no hard includes, but let's make a list of cards that seem interesting enough to test! Collision Course Nesting Bot Perilous Snare Spectacular Pileup Sundial, Dawn Tyrant Diversion Unit Flood the Engine Mu Yanling, Wind Rider Possession Engine Ranger's Refueler Scrounging Skyray Stall...
  15. Onderzeeboot

    General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

    So many submissions! I wish ellogeyen the best of luck with judging! :D
  16. Onderzeeboot

    General [DFT] Aetherdrift

    To chime in, cube isn’t a format, in my mind. The format you play when using your Cube is (most likely) draft or sealed. Cube is to Magic as world building is to D&D. You could run a campaign in a published adventure (i.e. drafting a retail set), or you could run a campaign in your own custom...
  17. Onderzeeboot

    General Jank Spotlight

    It’s my age. I don’t want to get embittered and disillusioned overnight, so I’m easing into it :P
  18. Onderzeeboot

    General Jank Spotlight

    that sounds like stepping on a LEGO brick for fun...
  19. Onderzeeboot

    General [DFT] Aetherdrift

    It’s probably just WotC underestimating how abysmally slow Start your engines is (or us underestimating how quickly you can get it online ;))
  20. Onderzeeboot

    General [DFT] Aetherdrift

    See, I agree that the part about synergy pushing out pushed cards is cool, but that doesn't mean pushing cards is cool.