Search results

  1. MurphysHuman

    General Cards that make you say "Yo!!" (i.e., cards that make you want to play a certain deck)

    Hi all, I'm in the midst of designing a cube which will be mostly custom cards. This project started because I have an aesthetic preference for cards without too much text at a medium-high power level, and Wizards seems more into printing wildly strong cards with tons of text these days. I'm...
  2. MurphysHuman

    A neat "compound verb" in Baldur's Gate 3

    I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 with some friends and wanted to highlight a neat intersection of rules that leads to a very expressive play pattern. My friends are all playing casters (Wizard, Warlock, Cleric), while I'm playing a Barbarian. I'm the only one who's consistently in melee range...
  3. MurphysHuman

    General "Dense" Commons in Ikoria Limited

    Hi everyone, I've lurked here for a while, and my cube designs have benefited greatly from the shared wisdom here. (My cube is here, for reference...will make a thread one day). Life under Covid has meant plenty of time to draft Ikoria on Arena, and I wanted to call out a few beautiful card...