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  1. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    Yeah, maybe you're right about Reroute, perhaps Dismissive Pyromancer would be a better card for that spot. As for Expedite, we are expediting a card into our hand at instant speed for one red mana. Maybe the haste becomes useful for something in our other pack, but a card for R seems...
  2. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    Ok, took a crawl through Scryfall and really leaned towards a red focus for this pack after going over all the suggestions here. The temptation to include Conch Horn, both because I like Phil Foglio's art and to be able to meme about Fallen Empires was hard to resist, but I just don't think...
  3. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    Oh, definitely, Chemister's Insight is great in general, I just meant that it didn't make Improbable Alliance substantially better because I was usually either almost dead or had almost won by the time I was built up with enough Alliances and Irencrag Pyromancers for it to be worthwhile to cast it.
  4. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    When I had Chemister's Insight in the full deck it seemed too slow to be worth it, so I never really considered it. This is a much different environment, though; might be worthwhile.
  5. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    Yeah, I think you're right, too many payoff cards, not enough enablers. Electrolyze in place of one of the Improbable Alliances seems like a good call. I'm not sure I like Preordain all that much - the extra scry doesn't feel like it adds enough to offset that flexibility, and IMO it just feels...
  6. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    I sadly haven't gotten to do a thing with jumpstart, custom or otherwise. I haven't gotten out of the house much lately, (un)fortunately, so theorycrafting and Arena are pretty much it for me these days. Ooh, that's a good find. Probably would be fine to swap out an island for it, I think...
  7. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    Because I can't sleep, have a +1/+1 counters matter Ooze tribal pack:
  8. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    I considered putting in a second Faerie Vandal instead of the Sprite Dragon but the Sprite Dragon just seems like a better card, and I wanted some variety while (nominally) sticking to a theme. I do like Mercurial Chemister in place of Rielle. It's not nearly as low to the ground but those...
  9. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    Thanks for the welcome! Absurd definitely, but it's just my kind of absurd. The more I look at my pack, though, the more I feel like Rielle and the Shock are out of place. Perhaps another Opt in place of the Shock, but I'm not sure what I'd replace Rielle with.
  10. Proxima

    General Jumpstarting your cube drafts

    This seems like a really good way to start dipping my toes into design without having to go whole hog on a full cube (which is pretty daunting, tbh). Here's an idea I had based on an archetype I've been trying (and mostly failing) to get working in standard, Izzet Draw: