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  1. marwatt

    General CBS

    I haven't been following here for a while and I was wondering if there's been some new draft methods concocted here, when drafting with a low amount of players. Currently I do a grid draft when it's 2 people, and reduce the pack size to ~9 cards when drafting with 3 or 4. Any suggestions to...
  2. marwatt

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    devout witnesscompulsion krovikan sorcerer dreamscape artistaquamoebacryptbreaker undead gladiator zombie infestationmad prophet sparkspitterlotleth troll trading post to name a few
  3. marwatt

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    auriok salvagers + black lotus / lion's eye diamond time vault + voltaic key doomsday + laboratory maniac / tendrils of agony + many options worldgorger dragon+animate dead dark depths+thespian's stage / vampire hexmage squirrel nest + earthcraft fastbond+crucible of worlds+zuran orb...
  4. marwatt

    Sets [M20] Core Set 2020

    It is a human as well ;). Had it lying around and am running it as a second looter next to thought courier in a low power environment with madness/discard matters archetypes. Ofcourse the ice age version: krovikan sorcerer|ia.
  5. marwatt

    Sets [M20] Core Set 2020

    krovikan sorcerer
  6. marwatt

    Help! (IT help)

    If you can acces it, try checking your isp router settings for altered DNS server settings. More likely that it's situated there than on an individual pc.
  7. marwatt

    General CBS

    warp world
  8. marwatt

    General Optimal Draft Variants for Less than 8 Players

    yes you do out of 2 of the 3 packs that get opened. 11 cards in each pack, discarding 6
  9. marwatt

    General Optimal Draft Variants for Less than 8 Players

    I tried the suggested 3 player variant this weekend, and I liked the result. Enough of the card pool was available to actually be able to draft an archetype in 2 colors. Opening a bad pack wasnt that bad either, since it doenst keep tabling forever.
  10. marwatt

    General Basic Lands

    mistakes were made :)
  11. marwatt

    General Basic Lands

  12. marwatt

    Anyone for Starcraft?

    Die soms ladderng at the end of hots / early lotv. Ended up in high platinum. Now mostly coop. And playing through broodwar campaign with the free download.
  13. marwatt

    The Video Game Thread

    That's not what they used to do. They used to make the baseline of the genre and have others copy them trying to ride along with the success. Now they are the ones that try to jump on the hypetrain, years after it left the station. And by doing so, they have to set completely different standards...
  14. marwatt

    The Video Game Thread

    wanna play some hldm ? or tfc had some nice movement options too : anyway, overwatch has zero appeal to me, it feels like it's all been done before and blizzard just gave it the Apple treatment
  15. marwatt

    The Video Game Thread

    I'm not a big fan of what blizzard is releasing the last few years. Take a popular genre and make it easier so we sell more copies. Diablo 3 had the same problem (did that ever get a decent pvp?) Compared to D2, heartstone,.. Now they make a cc of tf2 which in turn was a slower, less deep clone...
  16. marwatt

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    So drafted an example of a polymorph deck in my cube. Could gave used a couple More token makers, but i feel it worked out rather well :[/url]"] Ones 1 Brainstorm 1 Wayfarer's Bauble Twos 1 Gather the Townsfolk 1 Journey to Nowhere 1 Pentad Prism Threes 1...
  17. marwatt

    Card/Deck Tokens Combo

    For combo tokens you can just throw in (Mass) polymorph.
  18. marwatt

    General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube

    Ones 1 fyndhorn elves 1 joraga treespeaker 1 deathrite shaman 1 ponder Twos 1 scavenging ooze 1 diabolic edict 1 wall of roots 1 scroll rack 1 coiling oracle 1 merfolk looter Threes 1 sea gate oracle 1 yasova dragonclaw 1 vendilion clique 1 crucible of worlds Fours 1 natural order Fives...
  19. marwatt

    General [Riptide Draft] Saturday 26 March 2016 @ 2pm EST

    This is the pile I drafted, looked pretty sweet to me . Really made me wish I wasn't sick so I could play some games and Alesha + avalanche riders people out of the game :)
  20. marwatt

    General [Riptide Draft] Saturday 26 March 2016 @ 2pm EST

    I can join too, definitly for the draft, maybe for a few rounds depending on how i feel (sick with the flu currently)