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  1. BoBguyjoe

    Sets (TDM) Tarkir: Dragonstorm Previews!

    Any card that lets you throw loads of cards between zones activates my neurons. Seems like a weirder Beast Whisperer or Archmage Emeritus, which is fun.
  2. BoBguyjoe

    Zanzibari Cats

    Got a new draft report here. This draft actually happened months ago, but I never got around to writing it up because I'm :cool:l a z y:cool:. There's been more than just this since last fall, but this draft was noteworthy because it included some spikey vintage cube drafters to really limit...
  3. BoBguyjoe

    Lower power Riptide cube

    I love this! A few recs you might consider: Demonic Pact w/ Blue Enchantments Riptide Chimera Shimmerwing Chimera Estrid's Invocation Blue does enchantments really well, I think, and these are the keys. Each of these allow you to repeat enchantment ETBs, which is easy to get a critical mass of...
  4. BoBguyjoe

    Nanonox's 1vs1 cube

    Recursion cards that can be used from the grave (like Sevinne's Reclamation and Crawl from the Cellar) provide a huge boost to the consistency of combo decks that rely on throwing stuff into the grave. I hope Sevinne's Rec works out for you as well! I've actually gone in the opposite direction...
  5. BoBguyjoe

    Zanzibari Cats

    Draft!!! Here are the decks. The only 3-0 was by this monstrosity of a deck. It was a naya goodstuff deck sporting Flash cast using Unexpected Potential. With only two targets, Flash only accounted for a couple wins. The big game winners were Guts, Goblin Rabblemaster, or just hard casting the...
  6. BoBguyjoe

    General (BLB, BLC) Bloomburrow Testing/Includes Thread

    I've got two cards: Coruscation MageJacked Rabbit Coruscation Mage was drafted and played today in an izzet breach deck and the player loved it. He always played it for 4 mana. The 4 power extra body was relevant and of course the 2 damage each spellcast closed out games. I forgot to print out...
  7. BoBguyjoe

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I've got all 3. Sedgemoor Witch is the newest and it's been better than I thought given the restriction. I also run this one and she's great. Being hybrid makes her super flexible and players love that -2 ability. Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
  8. BoBguyjoe

    Zanzibari Cats

    I like these ideas! Some of them have already been considered and passed on mostly because I'm trying to stay away from non-hybrid multicolor cards. Insidious Roots jumps out to me as something maybe worth breaking that for though. It just checks all those right boxes, so I'll give it a shot...
  9. BoBguyjoe

    Zanzibari Cats

    The conspiracies enable a lot for drafters, and we love them! Unexpected Potential has definitely been the favorite, and I think it strikes that balance between the power of the effect and the fact that you're only giving up a draft pick for it. People have used it to splash a single card in a...
  10. BoBguyjoe

    Zanzibari Cats

    Here are some example decks to show the kinds of things people play with in this cube. These decks go as far back as last year, so not every card you'll see is still in the cube. Ones 1 Grim Lavamancer 1 More or Less 1 Careful Study 1 Faithless Looting 1 Consider 1 Chromatic Star 1 Occult...
  11. BoBguyjoe

    Zanzibari Cats

    Hi all! This here's my cube. It's a small combo cube for 2-6 players with an animating goal of "pull off some goofy shit." It's been a long road getting this thing to work, but it's now in a pretty good spot so I want to share it with y'all. More or LessDemonic PactEurekaCloudstone Curio Why...
  12. BoBguyjoe

    General (MOM) March of the Machines Testing/Includes Thread!

    Including Tiller of FleshGuardian ScalelordChrome Host SeedsharkArchpriest of ShadowsDeeproot WayfinderSeed of Hope I've been adding these to the cube as they were being spoiled, so some of these have been played with and other are waiting to be tried out. Guardian Scalelord, Chrome Host...