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  1. D

    Pete's 450 Unpowered Cube

    I'm posting here because I looked at your list and really liked it, especially some of the spicy individual card choices. I have a couple comments on cards I've tested a lot and a couple questions about cards you've included. So first, I've had a couple cards that I've seem in your list that I...
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    General Vintage

    I've been playing a great deal of Vintage recently. I watched some friends play the MTGO holiday cube and I was shocked at how even though the power level is really high the games don't quite turn out the fun sort of crazy like games of Vintage where I find the games take an immense amount of...
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    The Control warrior deck uses armor to fantastic effect along with a "damage your own creatures" theme which is synergistic and neat. As far as I know, the only card similar to what you're describing is Shield Slam or something like that: does damage to a minion equal to your armor. Since they...
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    Card/Deck Revisiting Zombies

    Cathar, Mirror Entity and Ranger have really nice cross-synergy with a humans package, like tripling up on Champion of the Parish. Xathrid Necromancer also makes Zombies! Is doubling up mirror entity worth the slot? Probably not necessary but it's flexible.
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    I think it's because there aren't enough class cards to build a whole deck nor are there supposed to be. A deck is supposed to have neutrals, but every class has access to the same neutrals and then your optimal picks are pretty narrow therefore you see the same cards running around. But...
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    Card/Deck Imperial Recruiter

    I choose not to run this because I have Painter's Servant/Grindstone and I assumed that the combo would quickly become unfun if it got too consistent. The card seems sweet with a utility tool box especially with flicker effects or graveyard recursion.
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    General Fetchland Density

    One benefit of land fixing is how it enables 2 and 3 color Aggro/midrange as opposed to signets which Aggro decks can't really afford to spend their second turn casting. Then suddenly all sorts of decks are going for fixing lands and that ups the competition. Does that line up with other's...
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    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    My cube is dumb and clunky/combo-y but I ended up cutting Oath because of how much of a non game it gives Aggro. "Oh, turn two oath? I guess I don't play creatures anymore." I realize it's not as simple as that, but my players half of whom love Aggro were strongly opposed to keeping it in.
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    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Wow, patten of rebirth is just a splashable better natural order if you have a sac outlet?
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    Card/Deck Bazaar of Baghdad

    I tried to push discard with unearth creatures, Seance, non-Reanimator graveyard stuff, Tibalt, Burning Vengeance and more. Bazaar and Tibalt were rarely ever used.
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    Oh god yes, the Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless Manipulator 20 haste damage combo is pretty filthy.
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    Everyone Come Look At and Work On This Communal Cube

    In a draft a few months ago I played against a monoblack deck and learned unearthing vampire nighthawk can be really good.
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    Hahaha, every time I play against this deck I'm like: UW Miracles again??? Although I play Handlock and I think the rogue match up is pretty good. Turns out that being able to draw an extra card each turn for 2 life is a great deal, lol.
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    General CBS

    I was assuming you must all live in the same area but then I saw the Skype/Cockatrice thread and that sounds SWEET. I would be way down except... my computer died a few days ago. But once I get a new one, I'm in.
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    General What cards are you testing from M15?

    In my next cube update (I guess that will be in a while I need to test my current changes more) I want to push a heavier artifact theme. Does anyone think Kurkesh is actually playable? Any cool interactions or combos?
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    General It could happen in any number of formats

    Isochron Scepter Orim's Chant This one is even better because Scepter is amazing and Orin's Chant is legitimately good in WW. Speaking of scepter and back to the topic of the thread I had a player assemble scepter + Sundial of the Infinite + Final Fortune about a month ago and all six of us...
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    General It could happen in any number of formats

    I like Grindstone + Painted Servant in cube! I run it and it's always been fun: it doesn't come up too often but when someone assembles it, the whole room usually has a good laugh. I wouldn't run vault-key but painted stone can be disrupted by removal: doesn't seem too bad! I've been...
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    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Huh. Man-arocks. My first impression: wow those are awesome. Second impression: wait maybe not all that great. The red activation cost is high and the black draw back could lead to some unpleasant blow-outs. I'd love to test them at least!
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    Card/Deck Valakut

    Oh man, Scapeshift with Rampaging Baloths is -so hot-
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    Card/Deck Valakut

    I can never really imagine Scapeshift making my 23 for a deck, let alone the 360. Prismatic Omen seems a lot more reasonable, works well with anything that uses a particular basic land type (why am I not playing Vedalkan Shackles in my modern sideboard????) and fixes for the "five color green"...