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  1. Jovial

    I felt justified in building a Riptide Cube after hearing this

    It should start around 44:45 when Luis and Gaby find the line, blow out their opponent's board, and then the both of them comment that their mono-blue Baral/Murmuring Mystic 14-hits-for-Augur-of-Bolas is the purest form of a Cube deck. And the Legacy Cube is, in my mind, like a Riptide Cube...
  2. Jovial

    Jovial's Free Magic Box!

    Hello, friends! List for easy access: My buddies and I have been playing this alternate format forever, but we never bothered to get the list written down nor talk about it with anyone but ourselves. The gist of the format is this: a large stack of...
  3. Jovial

    Jovial's "Noah's Ark Cube"

    This is a placeholder. Please ignore until further notice.
  4. Jovial

    Jovial's "Borrowed" Cube(s)

    Using our handy Riptide Time Machine, let's look back to this glorious trainwreck of a Cube: Specifically, VibeBox's Jank Cube. Link: The short description for those who can't look at the original list is as follows: Blue: Wizards Aggro Black: Ramp...
  5. Jovial

    Jovial's Peasant Cube

    This is a place holder. Not sure why I'm making a placeholder when I could just not post until I'm ready, but I want one. Inspired by Eric Klug's C/Ube, but with my own changes. Will give a full break down. Promise.