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  1. Aston

    General [Lucky Paper] When Trivia Beats Strategy

    My solution:
  2. Aston

    Aston's Cube

    CubeCon Rerpot - Part 2 Saturday started with me messaging Jamie and Jon to see if they wanted to walk over to the convention centre together, but with no reply at half an hour to the start of the first draft I headed over solo. About 10 minutes before, I got a message to say they’d just woken...
  3. Aston

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I used to run an X spells matter package with Rosheen and Unbound Flourishing as enablers and a bunch of X spells in red and green including Genesis Wave, Genesis Hydra, Voracious Hydra, Comet Storm, and Cut//Ribbons as payoffs. It ended up being kind of a joke, as it very rarely worked but a...
  4. Aston

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    I feel like the flavour text would have been way better if they left it at something like "Did you mean lemures?" and the same art. I don't really mind self-referential stuff like this in Magic but yeah this one was a miss for me.
  5. Aston

    Aston's Cube

    CubeCon 2024 Report - Part 1 Yes, I know it's been four and a half years since I posted in my thread, but I'm resurrecting it from page 7 to tell you all about my CubeCon 2024 experience. After reading all the reports from CubeCon last year and obsessively watching all the coverage, I knew I...
  6. Aston

    General Alchemy, Playtest, Funny and other strange cards

    I've run it before in my fairly high power cube and it wasn't great, it just isn't worth spending 4 mana on this most of the time. It did lead to a very funny game where one player played Split Screen and the other Phyrexian Metamorphed it so they both had split libraries. I guess since I do...
  7. Aston

    Article [Lucky Paper] Cube Retrospective for 2024 Standard Rotation

    Inspiring Overseer Smoldering Egg Professional Face-Breaker Experimental Synthesizer Fable of the Mirror-Breaker Oni-Cult Anvil Patchwork Automaton Circuit Mender 8 cards from this period and 5 of them are from NEO. This is a bit misleading as well - Smoldering Egg, Porfessional Face-Breaker...
  8. Aston

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    Having one "silly card" per pack feels like the right amount. Unfinity (and Unstable to an extent) both felt like they were fighting between being funny and being playable sets, and ended up not really being either; with the playtest cards being such a small part of mystery boosters, it doesn't...
  9. Aston

    General Fight Club

    Looter il-Kor Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Shoreline Looter Suspicious Stowaway A few different takes on the same idea. I played Looter il-Kor for ages, swapped over to Malcolm recently but I think I might swap again to Shoreline Looter as it feels the cleanest. Any thoughts?
  10. Aston

    Sets [ACR] Universes Beyond™: Assassin's Creed™ Previews

    I've only played some of the first one too, and apparently the series went in some unexpected directions. Do you end up assassinating gods in the viking one??
  11. Aston

    General CBS

    The first time I cast it, it got hit with Return the Favor
  12. Aston

    General Universes Restored

    Is there a good one to use? When I've tried it with Imgur the art doesn't show up for me for whatever reason.
  13. Aston

    Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

    Yeah I like these a lot, Tamiyo would be my favourite as well.
  14. Aston

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    I didn't like this either, as well as the fact that Akroma doesn't actually care about other creatures with flying in play. It would need a bigger redesign than maybe you'd like, but having these all look for a particular keyword and then be keyword lords (or some other factor, like Kamahl asks...
  15. Aston

    Sets (OTJ/BIG/OTC/OTP) Outlaws of Thunder Junction & The Big Score Mega Testing and Includes Thread!

    It'll be in the Wheel of Time Universes Beyond set
  16. Aston

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    The X Men 97 reboot has been good so far
  17. Aston

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    I was already pretty over the cultural references with the serial numbers filed off when we hit Eldraine and it put together not-Stonehenge, not-Robin Hood, and not-Loch Ness Monster, even though in the real world those things occurred thousands of years apart. Now we're getting versions of...
  18. Aston

    General CBS

    It also had one of the worst cards to play against in limited of all time: Tetzimoc, Primal Death