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  1. Hillstyle

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I've run a (nearly) full cycle of bouncelands for a while, and they are always nice in any deck that can afford to have them come in tapped. They're not too good by any means, the awkwardness of tapping for 2 at a time, the coming-in-tapped, the vulnerability to land destruction (if you run any...
  2. Hillstyle

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    ehh, a vanilla 10/10 is definitely not the greatest payoff. Dredge decks aren't super lacking in payoffs with GGT, Hogaak?, and Tasigur in higher power environments, and Tombstalker, Nemesis of Mortals, Ishkanah, Grafwidow, etc in lower power enivros. With the consistency of cube removal, it's...
  3. Hillstyle

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Something I ran for a while that was pretty good was: Battle at the Bridge Kinda similar to Death Grasp without the ability to go upstairs, but at a better rate.
  4. Hillstyle

    Sets (M20) Testing/Includes Thread

    Probably the source you're getting them from. Seems like you're uploading them from your system, and they were presumably downloaded from a site at full resolution (I had the same problem with images from Scryfall). Seems like people here usually get spoiler images from mythicspoiler, so I'd...
  5. Hillstyle

    General Cube List Format Converter (For MTG Forge, Card Orders, etc)

    Added support for non-singleton lists! Check the OP for formatting details. Any problems let me know.
  6. Hillstyle

    Sets [M20] Core Set 2020

    I love it. Unfortunately, the first ability means binning flashback cards to the loot is clunky, as you have to crack the bag to get them back, but I'll be damned if I don't try to make this work in my cube.
  7. Hillstyle

    General Cube List Format Converter (For MTG Forge, Card Orders, etc)

    (I use Forge to playtest my cube list against AI, and I was getting tired of having to manually type the 1s in front of each card in the list to meet the format requirements for the program, so out of laziness I made this) This program converts a cube list formatted as such: Law-Rune Enforcer...
  8. Hillstyle

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    @Mondschwein I can vouch for Oketra's Monument. Solid card if your powerlevel appreciates the kind of grindy value it generates. Great with the Kor Skyfishers of the world. I'd say that Kefnet's Monument, while cool, really needs steady stream of creatures to make it better than say Curse of...
  9. Hillstyle

    Riptide's Most Liked Posts of 2018

    safra and dbs go on chapo