200: A 4 Player Cube



I've decided to try something different and get back to the roots of my cubing experience. This is my attempt at a cube list intended to be played with 4 players and 5x10 (or 15/20/15) with no land draft. I am attempting to get fast games with reasonable amounts of decision making.

If you have a minute, use it to muck around with the list and see what you think. Currently I think:

Scavenging Ooze might be a real jerk to the black based decks.

White/Blue control might be a little too awesome.

More emphasis to make the stompy lands worthwhile might be needed.

The mana curve might be too high.

Another White token make (battle screech?) could be key.

It feels weird not running Armageddon and cataclysm might not be supported enough. Swapping eternal dragon for Yosei or Sun Titan might be good?

I want to slip in threads of disloyalty really badly, but have no idea how to do it.

Goblin Lackey might not be a suitable incentive card.


I need a red creature that can block decently in here. Goblin Settler/Lackey might be the casualty.

While its a good deck, the cards for White/Blue Control seem thin to the point that drafting it is extremely fragile.


Tuk-tuk is cool and fits the goblin sub-theme, I think he might have a place. I was thinking chandra's phoenix was a good fit for stormbind/pitchcard synergy, but there actually aren't a ton of ways to activate it.

Wall of Earth vs Wall of Razors for a card red control decks can wheel and do some heavy duty blocking?


I do not, although that could be remedied.

Wall of Razors is seriously strong against not-red, but it also has serious anti-synergy with pestilence. It is hard for me to accept that one of the best limited cards of all time doesn't have a place in this cube, but it just might not.