540 Card Cube (Semi-Powered)

So this is my cube currently that I have been working on for years and I've been recently trying to get feedback on it. I don't really know what it struggles with or what I am looking to get help with because I currently don't own all the cards and haven't play tested it in a long time. This is because I sold my cube multiple times to buy certain things (like a car). Now I am rebuilding it and am looking for help, advice, etc. http://www.cubetutor.com/viewcube/36831

Also this is my first post on riptide I was just told about this website the other day so let me know if I'm doing it wrong.

So since I did play this cube a lot in the past the archetypes I remember that were strong were:

The Fun Police (Mono Red)
White Weenie
Boros Aggro
Dimir Reanimator
Azorius Control
Green Ramp
Gruul Mid-Range
Selesnya Beat Down
Blue Artifacts

Not too sure what else as it was a while ago that I actually owned all the cards and was consistently playing with the cube.

Chris Taylor

Well, I'll see if I can give you a hand:
Hero of Bladehold: a lot of us have cut this for being too strong
Land Tax: People, weigh in here. Is this even good?
True-Name Nemesis: Games of magic are fun when the decisions I make contribute to my losing, not because my opponent picked a card that literally cannot be stopped
Number Crunch: This one is interesting. I notice it doesn't say non-land, so if your opponent fucks up enough this could end up with your opponent just not having permanents in play. How cutthroat are your drafters? Do you usually draft while drunk? These are important questions.

Lavalanche: I'm noticing a lot of these marginal 3 color cards. How many of these are in because they're just good cards (As most 3 color cards are) and how many are really adding to the draft experience?

Now, there's also a lot of pure combo cards here like Channel, Emrakul, Blightsteel Colossus, Show and Tell, etc that I think impact a format negatively. (For eg: what is a green/red deck supposed to do against a turn 3 show and tell into Emrakul? Are you supposed to just not play colors that can't handle it?)
I notice you also have combo reanimator as well (with the ritual and entomb and exhume etc) that usually creates similar problems (What does that same red/green deck do against sphinx of the steel wind?)

There's two basic ways you can go with this: If you really like the feel of reanimator and these big cheats decks, you can tone down the power level of the things these decks are putting into play so that the fair decks actually have a chance, or you can remove them outright and put other archetypes in their place.

I'm not really the guy to talk to about if you want to keep the combo decks in, but I'm sure there's someone here who knows their shit about em


I can tell from looking over the list that its from a certain era and school of thought of cube design. I would go to the main page and look at some of the articles there, as well as find Jason's channel fireball articles.

Basically, I'm going to end up suggesting that you cut the signets, and a lot of the more oppressive top end finishers, than write out the ten guids and think about themes/sub themes you want for them. Prob cut the cube down to a size thats closer to the actual size of your playgroup, and at some point encourage you break singleton, if for no other reason than to run better mana fixing.