Ana Grid

Cube Size: 180
Players: 2
Design Goals:
The Ana Grid is a travel cube designed for my partner and I, featuring the cards and strategies we most enjoy.
As a result, it's quite small and kept to a very low budget.
Drafting is meant to be simultaneously skill-testing and reward paying attention to your opponent, but also always result in a playable deck.
Games are intended to be quick, with no chance of board stalls.
This is why the cube is only three colours, and features a strong manabase.
Despite this, mono-colour decks should be not only possible, but powerful.
Three -colour decks should also suffer real consequences for their greed.
Pet cards come first - these form the backbone of the list and are as close to non-negotiable as I'll ever get (See 2nd post for a list)
Symmetry is next - all three colours and guilds have exactly the same number of representatives
Each colour also has a pair of triple-pipped 3-drop spells and a pair of devotion spells to reward managing to stick to mono-colour.
Each guild has triple-pipped 3-drop hybrid spell to further help with devotion.
There are a number of effects which care about basic land types present in your mana base.
There are powerful non-basic utility lands to reward going mono-colour.
To unify the cube, a self-mill theme was chosen and is present in all colours. Almost all forms of card advantage fill or empty the graveyard. This also helps keep games quick, as decking is a real threat.
Almost all counterspells are limited or come with drawbacks that lead them to being more archetype-specific rather than generically strong - this is to make up for the triple threat of Daze/Gush/Mystic Sanctuary that U has access to.
A lot of the fixing costs life, and there are a lot of ways of keeping your opponent of their colours if they don't prioritize fixing, all to punish greedy manabases.
Conditionally strong cards are totally okay - things that might normally be a very very fringe sideboard card are much more main-deckable when you know your opponents entire draft pool. Similarly, colours-matter cards matter a lot more when there's basically a guarantee your opponent is in one or more of those colours.
Similarly, given two cards I would rather include a card that is either matchup defining or stone-cold unplayable over a 23rd 'just playable' that makes it into every deck but is exciting in none of them.
Mono-U: Tempo fliers or Traditional control
Mono-B: Mana Disruption + Evasion or Self-mill into cost-reduced 5/5's
Mono-G: Devotion Aggro or Self-mill into recursive threats.
Dimir: Traditional control and 2-for-1's or Zombie Tokens.dec
Golgari: Ramp or Recursive midrange
Simic: Flash fliers or Miracle-Gro.
Ana/Sultai: Graveyard Goodstuff.
Tribal: Four iconic tribes feature in the cube: Wizards, Zombies, Faeries and Snakes.
Wizards, while present across all three colours, are most rewarded by going mono-U. The gameplan is to slow the aggressive decks down by tapping down permanents with Frost creatures and Aphetto Grifter, lock out the opponent with Patron Wizard, and then either with with some kind of control finisher or via decking the opponent out.
Zombies, while present across all three colours, are most rewarded by going mono-B. The gameplan is to keep the opponent off their colours by turning their lands into Swamps, removing anything that does make it through, and swing in with evasive threats.
Faeries, while present in blue and black, synergize around self-bounce and only feature one payoff card in Spellstutter Sprite. They should form a part of either a Wizard or Tempo list.
Snakes, while present in blue and green, and do not form a reliable deck. With that said, there are some synergies, and Seshiro the Annointed and Patron of the Orochi both form strong payoffs whether you choose to go wide, or go tall.
Cube Link:
kryss - For the idea
japahn - For feedback and great ideas for inclusions
Would love to hear any thoughts you might have!

Cube Size: 180
Players: 2
Design Goals:
The Ana Grid is a travel cube designed for my partner and I, featuring the cards and strategies we most enjoy.
As a result, it's quite small and kept to a very low budget.
Drafting is meant to be simultaneously skill-testing and reward paying attention to your opponent, but also always result in a playable deck.
Games are intended to be quick, with no chance of board stalls.
This is why the cube is only three colours, and features a strong manabase.
Despite this, mono-colour decks should be not only possible, but powerful.
Three -colour decks should also suffer real consequences for their greed.
Pet cards come first - these form the backbone of the list and are as close to non-negotiable as I'll ever get (See 2nd post for a list)
Symmetry is next - all three colours and guilds have exactly the same number of representatives
Each colour also has a pair of triple-pipped 3-drop spells and a pair of devotion spells to reward managing to stick to mono-colour.
Each guild has triple-pipped 3-drop hybrid spell to further help with devotion.
There are a number of effects which care about basic land types present in your mana base.
There are powerful non-basic utility lands to reward going mono-colour.
To unify the cube, a self-mill theme was chosen and is present in all colours. Almost all forms of card advantage fill or empty the graveyard. This also helps keep games quick, as decking is a real threat.
Almost all counterspells are limited or come with drawbacks that lead them to being more archetype-specific rather than generically strong - this is to make up for the triple threat of Daze/Gush/Mystic Sanctuary that U has access to.
A lot of the fixing costs life, and there are a lot of ways of keeping your opponent of their colours if they don't prioritize fixing, all to punish greedy manabases.
Conditionally strong cards are totally okay - things that might normally be a very very fringe sideboard card are much more main-deckable when you know your opponents entire draft pool. Similarly, colours-matter cards matter a lot more when there's basically a guarantee your opponent is in one or more of those colours.
Similarly, given two cards I would rather include a card that is either matchup defining or stone-cold unplayable over a 23rd 'just playable' that makes it into every deck but is exciting in none of them.
Mono-U: Tempo fliers or Traditional control
Mono-B: Mana Disruption + Evasion or Self-mill into cost-reduced 5/5's
Mono-G: Devotion Aggro or Self-mill into recursive threats.
Dimir: Traditional control and 2-for-1's or Zombie Tokens.dec
Golgari: Ramp or Recursive midrange
Simic: Flash fliers or Miracle-Gro.
Ana/Sultai: Graveyard Goodstuff.
Tribal: Four iconic tribes feature in the cube: Wizards, Zombies, Faeries and Snakes.
Wizards, while present across all three colours, are most rewarded by going mono-U. The gameplan is to slow the aggressive decks down by tapping down permanents with Frost creatures and Aphetto Grifter, lock out the opponent with Patron Wizard, and then either with with some kind of control finisher or via decking the opponent out.
Zombies, while present across all three colours, are most rewarded by going mono-B. The gameplan is to keep the opponent off their colours by turning their lands into Swamps, removing anything that does make it through, and swing in with evasive threats.
Faeries, while present in blue and black, synergize around self-bounce and only feature one payoff card in Spellstutter Sprite. They should form a part of either a Wizard or Tempo list.
Snakes, while present in blue and green, and do not form a reliable deck. With that said, there are some synergies, and Seshiro the Annointed and Patron of the Orochi both form strong payoffs whether you choose to go wide, or go tall.
Cube Link:
kryss - For the idea
japahn - For feedback and great ideas for inclusions
Would love to hear any thoughts you might have!
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