General Basic Spells Box

Mad Prophet had an interesting comment in another thread how we take for granted the basic lands box but not a basic spells box. This made me think of Netrunner cube drafts, where each player starts with a pack of baseline cards that fit a few roles but are almost always replaced by better picks. So there is some prior art here. I think agot cubes have a similar thing with plots. And Dominion/deck builders, an adjacent genre of games, definitely do something similar.

I think about this when I look at the more generic cubes elsewhere that have a dozen variants of jackal pup/Savannah lions. Or a dozen more or less similar blue utility spells, red burn, etc. Cubes that try to support a tribe or linear mechanic and thus put a bunch of anonymous goblins or whatnot in to get a reasonable asfan but also a more boring one.

I wonder if there are some areas of cube that could be trimmed back if there was some sort of concept analogous to a basic lands box. Thus leading to denser, spicier draft packs. It seems like it would be a lot of work to get a 1.0 design drafted, since I haven’t seen much iteration on this idea.
Another sort of related idea, what if there was a basic taplands box. Maybe evolving wilds, too, in a non-shockland format. Then you could either cut the volume fixing to just high quality stuff, and/or you could include multi-colored cards without as much worry about them being poisonous (but maybe losing some good tension, too, I don’t know..)
Here is an off the hip take(and possibly quite bad!) on basic baseline spells. Somewhat inspired by Patrick chapin’s discussion of card rates and I guess trying to fulfill the basic color pie fundamentals; I’m not sure if that’s even the right direction for this sort of thing, but just rolling with it.

Lightning Strike
1 cost Goblin if you support that tribe. Otherwise maybe a 2/1 something, maybe haste.
Tormenting Voice? Shatter?

3 cost counter spell?
1/1 flier for 2?

Llanowar elves
5 or 6 cost vanilla monster
Combat trick

Savannah Lion
A more expensive oblivion ring?

Not sure which creature tbh
Discard but that seems gross
A life for cards card

Power level would need to be tweaked for the environment, especially removal
I’m not sure. One option would to do it like netrunner and just offer 1-2 pack of each for each drafter, or another idea is to just have a box for each color and you can take 4 of whatever. Sorting would be a pain but since these are the bulkiest of bulk commons, I’m sure there are s few possiblities to mark them to make them stand out nearly as much as lands.