Let's talk some card design stuff outside of the "print this" or "my cube needs a card that does X" from the other thread. A little more general. I'm interested in folks' questions and perspectives both as relates to cube design and as relates to card design.
1. At least in Modern, wotc seems to be wary about printing cards that allow one player to cheat. (Such as how in Go Fish, you can lie and say you don't have any 2s, and claim you drew them later.) Having met some of the tykes who play FNM, I can understand their apprehension. What kind of mechanics would you expect to see in Magic if both players were allowed to trust each other?
F'rinstance: I feel like black discard is sometimes held back by only having two options: A, target player discards one or more cards. A can be pretty meaningless if their hand has jank in it that they weren't planning to play anyway, or crippling if their hand is great or they're down to few cards. B, target player reveals their hand to you and you pick from it. This has to be costed higher because you get to see their entire hand and take the best possible card - within the targeting restrictions of your spell, at least. If cards assumed non-asshole players, you could have things like "Target player discards the most expensive card in their hand" or "target player discards a Sorcery or Instant card, but if they can't you get to draw 2 cards", etc.
2. What's the deal with creature types? They seem to be constantly changing their mind on how many creature types there should be, simplifying it in some sets only to open it back up wide again. A card like Baneslayer Angel hates demons and dragons, but what about the devils? It seems like she'd hate them too, and it'd only take up a word or two more to say so. It's not like they don't exist; there's 14 of them, 15 if you include Legacy!
For cube, do you ever make devils or other "also-ran" creature types count as Demons? If you were to make a custom set, would anything outside of the mainstays (demon, horror, zombie, goblin, elf, human, etc) make the cut or would you stick to creature types that have interactions with existing cards?
1. At least in Modern, wotc seems to be wary about printing cards that allow one player to cheat. (Such as how in Go Fish, you can lie and say you don't have any 2s, and claim you drew them later.) Having met some of the tykes who play FNM, I can understand their apprehension. What kind of mechanics would you expect to see in Magic if both players were allowed to trust each other?
F'rinstance: I feel like black discard is sometimes held back by only having two options: A, target player discards one or more cards. A can be pretty meaningless if their hand has jank in it that they weren't planning to play anyway, or crippling if their hand is great or they're down to few cards. B, target player reveals their hand to you and you pick from it. This has to be costed higher because you get to see their entire hand and take the best possible card - within the targeting restrictions of your spell, at least. If cards assumed non-asshole players, you could have things like "Target player discards the most expensive card in their hand" or "target player discards a Sorcery or Instant card, but if they can't you get to draw 2 cards", etc.
2. What's the deal with creature types? They seem to be constantly changing their mind on how many creature types there should be, simplifying it in some sets only to open it back up wide again. A card like Baneslayer Angel hates demons and dragons, but what about the devils? It seems like she'd hate them too, and it'd only take up a word or two more to say so. It's not like they don't exist; there's 14 of them, 15 if you include Legacy!
For cube, do you ever make devils or other "also-ran" creature types count as Demons? If you were to make a custom set, would anything outside of the mainstays (demon, horror, zombie, goblin, elf, human, etc) make the cut or would you stick to creature types that have interactions with existing cards?