General Creativity Breeding Pool

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Inspired by a conversation with Hannes. Let's talk about dumb restrictions for formats. Maybe one of them will turn out to be good and interesting.

First up:
Every creature is a 2/2.
And for some reason the most prevalent removal are Pyroclasms. Like dozens of them.
Curse of Death's Hold is a game-winner.
Maybe the only removal spell could be Electrickery.
Doran is useless, because he's not a 2/2, and is therefore not allowed.
Maybe you could have, like, a flip card that started as a 2/2 and became a bigger guy. Huntmaster OP?

Where do we stand on PWs? Are Ajani Goldmane and Jace AoT unbeatable? Original Sorin a legitimate source of removal? Xenagos allowed, but other token producers not?

Obviously the cards will have much different power levels than normal, but it'd probably be balls to play, no matter what you did as a designer.

Maybe the only actual cards could be bears and mana severence.

Hopefully nobody responds to this.


This actually isn't as dumb a thought experiment as it seems at first glance. I don't think low base p/t formats are really that unusual (and thats what this seems to really be a thought experiment about).

Themes you would want want to mix in would be + 1 +1 counters, protection effects, giant growth effects, and various other creature growth methods. You just have to loosen up a bit on the 2/2 requirement.

You can run pretty much any damage based wrath effect you want, accept maybe blasphemous act (since it has no play to it).

You won't want planeswalkers as this will be a pretty low power world.