General Cube Cards - Positive Surprises

It seems like there wasn’t a thread like this, but I think it is a very interesting one. How often have you dismissed a cad, scrolled past it on scryfall, and then, when you tried it finally (maybe out of desperation looking for something specific), it was much better than expected and maybe even became a cube staple for you? Don’t let others ignore the same sweet cards and share the stories!

My stories:

I was looking for more ways to support the {G/U} landfall deck in blue and this card seemed like it would at least be decent in that deck. Turned out it was an incredible tool for Landfall and good enough that other slow decks still very much enjoyed the card filtering on an evasive body. This card is better than it looks. Note, that it can sometimes loot 2 or more times if you need something specific. It also essentially gives all your lands from-the-battlefield-cycling for {2}, that is really good.

Even more desperately I was looking for green payoffs for my {R/G} madness archetype. And after dismissing this card several times, I gave it a run alongside Anger and Wonder. And boy, has it been good last weekend. I had a Burning-Fist Minotaur with a Bonesplitter that just went rampage. And giving Wild Mongrel, Vengevine, Gathan Raiders, and Roar oft the Wurm –tokens trample was also not exactly bad. Also really good with said equipment and pump effects. One player even complained and said Brawn was too strong, lol.

I expected this to be either abusive or narrow. Turns out a larger number of decks than I thought are interested in it and it's good, but fun instead of abusive with blink, Waterfront Bouncer and other tricks. The trick is that you can work to get a good deal out of it, but your opponent can also interact with your attempts and it takes time. Keep in mind the quality of targets isn't always as high as it might seem, specially if you have already stolen their best creature. It's a great design.


I thought this would be boring or a hard-pass but it does add an incentive to draft a Grixis deck instead of just a UB one. It's also fun and not as backbreaking as it seems at first glance. It also makes you pick up Archaeomancer and try to live the dream. But don't mill out!