General Dear Hearthstone Players

1 - Are you still playing Hearthstone?

I used to but felt like it was too much of the same over and over. I started in closed BETA in September 2013 and stopped right before The Boomsday Project was released in August 2018. Like Day[9] always say “It feels like I completed the multiplayer campaign.”

2 - Can you name a card (or many cards) that are exactly the same in both Magic and Hearthstone?

I am looking to have a cube card altered with a Hearthstone card frame. I have found an artist who I think is excellent in this particular alteration.


Kind regards, Velrun :)
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I missed a cardback before Un'Goro released and immediately lost all motivation to play afterwards.

How identical does it need to be? Arcane Intellect is divination, Holy Smite is shock at sorcery speed, Mind Blast is technically lava axe, for 20% of the cost.
Vanish is evacuation, Mind Control is almost Mind Control (grants haste, not an aura), I think priests get Hallowed Burial as well. Sylvanas is kind of like Keiga, she can fly in her banshee form so it counts in my mind.


Ecstatic Orb
I still play! I've found Hearthstone is the perfect storm of a card game for me to unwind after a day's work (or in the weekend). Magic requires too much brainpower, and the games take too long. Many other games I tried are similar, or don't have enough polish, or new content to stay fresh.

As for similar cards, those are a pain for me to look up now on my iPad, but there are a lot of things in Hearthstone that don't translate well to Magic, mainly because a) classes in Hearthstone work very differently from colors in Magic, b) the mana system is very different and leads to an entirely different curve, c) the digital only presence of Hearthstone means they can do things that are unthinkable in Magic (like add cards to your deck), and d) combat works completely different which also leads to unexpected differences in design (haste is pretty much a broken keyword in Hearthstone, for example).


Ecstatic Orb

That's everything that matches more or less exactly, down to the casting cost (and I sort of cheated on the last two). There are some funny ones in later sets, but by and large, the differences between Magic and Hearthstone are large enough that it's not often the case that certain effects are right at the exact same casting cost. For example...

In other cases, you get stats that would be out of line for the cost in Magic (at lower costs), or underpowered (at higher costs).

In other words, it's rare that the two games exactly align in their needs. That said, I'll leave you with these (all three from later sets).
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