General Favorite Planeswalker Cards?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I have a dumb slot in my cube that is occupied each draft randomly by 1 of ten or so different planeswalker cards. This lets me see cool walkers, who are thematically walking to my plane for this draft, without having a stupidly high planeswalker density.

Drop your favorites below and if I love them they might get like an 8% chance to be in my next draft.
Not many unique ones in my list, I guess.

1. Domri pushes Gruul Aggro, which, I guess, has home in your list, too (you cube Rancor)? I like him since he fits into the mana interaction theme present in Gruul aggro shell in form of cards like Burning-Tree Emissary, Atarka's Command and some other ones.
2. Vraska is a value generating engine in a GB sacrifice shell (yes, I posted it in the Sacrifice Outlets thread and am going to heavily advertise it here ;). She's really neat)
3. I have just added Daretti and haven't had a chance to playtest it yet, but people say it's great even outside of the "artifact.dec". He looks sweet due to the fact he costs 3 mana, protects himself and blows up creatures and artifacts, making the artifact we all love so much humbler.
4. Ugin is just a ramp payoff that I play for Timmy reasons. Against aggro decks it sweeps the board at once and bolts the more fragile dudes.
I like:

If course, I only like Eldraine Garruk and Ikoria Vivien for their awesome Alternate Arts. The cards are good, but the art is better :)
Isn't this one oppressive? I'd like to have it in my cube, but the fact this woman almost brickwalls the opponent holds me back. I'm not against army-in-a-can cards in and of themselves, though.
It largely depends on power level. Elspeth's main role is as a control finisher and to a lesser extent, a midrange mirror breaker. As long as your aggro decks are capable of winning before turn 6, and your midrange decks can deal with the -3, she's fine.

I really like the more modern planeswalker design, especially with the uncommon walkers from WAR. They're starting to get away from the +1 card advantage, -3 removal, -8 win the game formula. Not that there's anything wrong with the formula - I like a few of them because that formula works for a reason, but the weirder stuff is cool too.
It largely depends on power level. Elspeth's main role is as a control finisher and to a lesser extent, a midrange mirror breaker. As long as your aggro decks are capable of winning before turn 6, and your midrange decks can deal with the -3, she's fine.

in practice those are huge "ifs". Unless your format is literally as fast as Modern, aggro decks will frequently hiccup and hit T6, and many, many midrange deck struggle against either the + or -. Really just not a fun card to play against, and not needed for almost any cube archetype. There are other less frustrating options.

I've had a lot of positive feedback from this. It often doesn't make a list due to the colour requirements, but it's the walker I've had the most people go "ooh cool I want to play with this" when they open it.

I've become a pretty big fan of these supplementary walkers. They don't necessary force you into an archetype or make you want to build around them specifically, but they serve as nice support for their specific archetypes. Mu is a great piece for slower U/x decks letting you effectively branch into the mid-late game and serve as a perfect way to stymie some aggro before you can stabilize with something like a sweeper. She plays much better than she looks and is always a pretty fair presence on the board. Daretti and Saheeli both slot into a U/R Artifacts archetype and provide great support. They even curve effectively on 3-4 and can lead to some explosive turns with Daretti doing a sweet Welder impression and rebuying something that you might have pitched earlier.

I really like her in midrange Maverick-style green decks, she makes attacking into open mana really stressful for the opponents, and if unchecked she becomes a card advantage engine, but without being extremely broken and game-winning like other walkers like JTMS or Oko.