General First Swing with the cube

Hi guys, i've posted once or twice here before as Brad Kershaw, but i had to sign in with facebook because i was having internet weirdness!

Well, i learned alot from lurking around and reading Cube articles, so i thought i'd share my first list i drafted from my cube!

Scalding Tarn (40)
Flooded Strand
Polluted Delta
Nephalia Drownyard
Misty Rainforest
Panoptic Mirror
Rune Snag
Rising Waters
Armored Skaab
Azorius Charm
Sphinx's Revelation
Far // Away
Consuming Abberation
Squadron Hawk
Restoration Angek
Gray Merchant
Endless Ranks of the Undead
Sewer Shambler
Blood Scrivener
Mind Slash
Lapse of Certainty


The night was a success, although it waned a bit at the end because we did start cubing late!

EDIT: Here's a brief rundown of what happened in our first cube draft!

M1G1 (R/U Tempo)
I start slow, he beats me down to 10 with delver of secrets before i trade some squadron hawks for it. I use tanglewire to slow the game down. He taps out, so i seize the moment to endstep some removal and then land rising waters while he is tapped out. I then proceed to draw blanks and am forced into the Nephalia Drownyard plan. While Rising waters is in play. It didn't end well.
He Floods out. He claims 18 lands is perfect because he has alot of control elements, but later in the night i see him lead with delver into pyromancer, i think 17 would be better.
I lead with Gravecrawler into Squadron hawk (the a-team of the aggro world), with Tanglewire and rising waters to tap him down. Life is sweet. There is a point where he stabilises with an Isochron sceptre on Magma Jet (!!!) while sitting on 1 life. Needless to say my own rising waters bites me again and he almost recovers. I end up topdecking a big Consuming Abberation for the win.

TL;DR This is not a rising waters deck.

M2G1 (G/W aggro)
He puts Unflinching courage on a Roaring primodox. That is good.

(He also bounces an avacyn's pilgrim over and over that he taps to tanglewire, thinking he is getting less effected by tanglewire . He ends up replaying it each turn anyway. I'm only just realising how silly this is now. We must've both been very tired not to notice!)


I keep a landlight hand, but try to assemble Gravecrawler/ Mind Slash to get me out of it. Turns out if he just plays his creatures, i cannot mind slash them out of his hand. I die to Vitu-ghazi guildmage, ala RTR draft

M3G1 (R/W/G/b Tokens)

I lead with Gravecrawler into Sewer Shambler. Things happened this game, but all i remember was killing with with a 2/1 swamp-walker. His Bayou was the only swamp in the whole deck and it was just there for the flashback in Lingering Souls.

I felt like i was playing with an invisible stalker that makes Gravecrawlers. nice.


Turns out Panoptic Mirror does not work at all how i want it too. I tried to imprint Azorius Charm onto it to make a lifelinking Consuming Abberation. Turns out you have to tap it to imprint things onto it, for some reason i thought it was just a big Isochron Sceptre.

After swearing loudly, i proceed to get eaten by a Geist-honored monk, spirits and a Wayfaring Temple.


A huge stalemate produces a board state, where he has 10~ lands with a Kessig wolf run, a rally the peasants in the graveyard, 3 ape tokens (monkey cage!!!!), 2 spirit tokens, Geist-honored monk and thragtusk.

Versus my skinrender, restoration angel, consuming abberation, armored skaab and Blood scrivener.

He plays garruk, rather than activate the wolf run or rally, realises he's dead on board to drownyard-untap-drownyard then attacks into me. I catch his motley crew (somehow not dying. I swear we forgot to carry the 0 in combat math, because i looked very dead at a glance) with the blocks and The old esper zombie-tribal-mill-tempo-sphinx's revelation deck (y'know, that old chestnut) goes 2-1!

If you managed to make it through that, i just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this forum for the content. While my cube is very basic at the moment and might have alot of off-the-wall choices due to budget, i know i owe alot of the thought processes that helped me get this far to the content i read on this sight and in Jason's articles on Channel-fireball. Thanks!

EDIT: Here's a brief rundown of the weird things in my cube

With my cube, i decided to follow Jason Waddell's concept of breaking singleton for specific strategies, by adding quartets of Squadron Hawk and Timberpack Wolf.

I like these cards, because they're such a risk while drafting. It seems like if they pay off, they're amazing, but if they don't, you waste valuable picks on otherwise bad cards.

It also appears that my green midrange may be a bit too strong. We had a player 2-0 every game off the back of simply soulbonding wolfir silverheart to things. Turns out 12 power for 5 mana is quite good.

I will think quite hard about dropping Rising waters. It's an effect that most of my playgroup hasn't seen (being all new players), but it seems quite unfun. I will have to see how it performs in the next draft.

My cube is about 90% cards from the last 3 blocks, but with a small injection of cards picked up from the local "things-were-way-better-before-7th-edition-ruined-the-game" player. I like the idea of providing my playgroup with access to these old style effects (prison/ stax etc.) but i hope these cards don't leave bad tastes in people's mouths.

Thank you for reading my giant wall o' text!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
It also appears that my green midrange may be a bit too strong. We had a player 2-0 every game off the back of simply soulbonding wolfir silverheart to things. Turns out 12 power for 5 mana is quite good.

If Wolfir Silverheart is too good in your cube - I find he's generally way more high-impact than something like Thragtusk in most cube environments - you could downgrade him to the underrated Druid's Familiar. It was very good in its limited format, and six power for four mana spread over two bodies, while not Silverheart-level bonkers, is still a pretty sweet rate.
That is a pretty good idea Eric.

I feel like i should leave it as is for another run or two, just to make sure i'm not being too results-orientated. But if/when he goes, that'll probably be the swap.

Have you tried Silverheart in your cube?