Happy 10,000th Jason!


Upon logging in, the most peculiar thing, numbers great and large. 9,999 and just in time to post the 10,000th thing. What could it be? What is worthy of the 10,000th post on riptide lab?

Scuttles is worthy.

So, congrats on 10,000 posts guys.

Edit: We love you too Eric!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hey now, this website has two owners!

It's been a fun month though. On Tuesday - Thursday alone we got 550 posts on here. Can't wait to see where we take things in 2014! Thanks for making this place great everybody!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This post is kind of interesting because in the month since you made it we've had over 2000 posts. I guess the site's activity has gone up.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I have now crossed under the "20% of all posts" threshold. Actually this post tips me back over it but who's counting?
Should I ++ some more to make it not true again? I get confused by posting etiquette, other than that it's probably bad form for me to keep telling you all how dumb you are not playing netrunner.
Over the weekend I also went to an x-wing tournament (2-2, 5-way tied for 4th, 7th on tie-breaks), and am about to pre-order a bunch of tiny spaceships. While there I bought another netrunner data pack.

FFG must have bought a job lot of that addictive ink wizards uses.


Staff member
The forum just got to 1000 threads!
I'd been watching that counter for a couple of weeks (I tried to help bump it a little).

and you know what the lucky 100oth thread is?
Spam, which will soon be deleted :confused: