General IAMA Jason Waddell, AMA

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I'll be making a video where I answer a selection of your questions. Ask anything, design or otherwise, and I'll pick the questions I am best able to answer to put in the video.
What is an archetype you've wanted to make work but have never been able to properly enable?

What's your favorite type of Chocolate?

What is a card you want to play but can't for power level reasons?

Do you prefer Brussels or Liege Waffles?

What is the worst card you've ever cubed with?

What is your favorite cube article in your body of work?

What is your favorite cube article written by someone else?

What is your least favorite cube article in your body of work?

Are there any articles you would re-write? If so, which one, and why?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
What is an archetype you've wanted to make work but have never been able to properly enable?
What's your favorite type of Chocolate?
What is a card you want to play but can't for power level reasons?
Do you prefer Brussels or Liege Waffles?
What is the worst card you've ever cubed with?
What is your favorite cube article in your body of work?
What is your favorite cube article written by someone else?
What is your least favorite cube article in your body of work?
Are there any articles you would re-write? If so, which one, and why?

Oeh, these are some good ones!
What are the most helpful lessons (no pun itended) we as cube designers can learn from retail limited formats of today?
What could WotC as limited designers learn from riptide cubes of today?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hey Jason, finally got on here! Few Questions

1. What are some of the biggest pitfalls (or worst trends) you see when people design custom cards for their cubes?
2. Prior to Covid, how have you been able to get 8 people draft, and overcome the difficulties of getting more real life responsibility with age/over time?
3. What are your favorite retail limited experiences you've drafted, either individual sets or whole blocks?
Hey, good to see you here! Hope class went well and thanks for the questions!

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
You've been interested/involved in competetive Melee, Halo, MLG, videogame stuff (the details have fled my brain over the years). What can we learn from these games and bring to cube, or magic in general? Any insites that run the other way?

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
People always ask "Who is Jason Waddell?" or "Why is Jason Waddell?" but never "How is Jason Waddell?"
