So this is my rather budget cube, which I built sometime last year.
It's come a long way from my first version which was all craprares and janky commons and uncommons. Many from the Mirage block, which for some reason I am incredibly nostalgic for.
Some of the jank is still in there, either as placeholders for better cards or because they proved to be good. I just moved from 405 to 360, but it hasn't been played yet so I don't know if it's balanced now.
I am also going to replace the keyrune cycle, it just didn't do what I hoped it would. These cards just wheel every draft. I'll add the more common mana rocks (coalition relic, coldsteel heart) when I get a copy. And I want to add some lands that do more than fix mana.
As a legacy player who likes building decks way too much I don't have the resources to add fetches and expensive staples. But any feedback is greatly appreciated.
So this is my rather budget cube, which I built sometime last year.
It's come a long way from my first version which was all craprares and janky commons and uncommons. Many from the Mirage block, which for some reason I am incredibly nostalgic for.
Some of the jank is still in there, either as placeholders for better cards or because they proved to be good. I just moved from 405 to 360, but it hasn't been played yet so I don't know if it's balanced now.
I am also going to replace the keyrune cycle, it just didn't do what I hoped it would. These cards just wheel every draft. I'll add the more common mana rocks (coalition relic, coldsteel heart) when I get a copy. And I want to add some lands that do more than fix mana.
As a legacy player who likes building decks way too much I don't have the resources to add fetches and expensive staples. But any feedback is greatly appreciated.