Card/Deck Lin Sivvi

Jason Waddell

Staff member
High level question: do you guys like playing with / against the Rebel searcher cards? I remember my Modern Masters games against BW Rebels just feeling like big removal checks. Either I could keep them off the searcher, or they slowly ground out enough value by getting dude after dude each turn. The games were super grindy, and it probably didn't help that the choice of what to search (on the other side of the table) wasn't all that interesting.

Chris Taylor

I've never taken the plunge myself, but a good line I heard from I think it was the joy of cubing podcast:

A friend of mine was looking for his 23rd card, and I suggested he play Defiant Falcon, who I think fetched Oblivion Ring and maybe two smaller creatures in his deck.

It's not the kind of upside it's usually worth butchering your cube for with eratta, but Honestly Birthing Pod plays more like a rebels deck I'd like than rebels probably can.


Triple Masques was a horrid format and rebels were absolutely miserable. Being able to sink mana for progressive huge amounts of card advantage was just plain more powerful then what anyone else could do in that format and some of the cards they could search for were just stupid. Nothing else you could do in the format could go under the engine or keep up with it, making every game a grind to victory.

However, in cube this all changes. We don't have to include bullshit cards that you can search for. Decks are fast enough to go under. Sweepers are as plentiful as we want them to be. The finishing creatures can still take over the game in the face of an accumulation of rebels. We can select interesting cards to search for. It wouldn't completely overshadow every other strategy. And most importantly, it would give white a different, unique angle to go with. There is such a thing as a pleasing grind and I think, well selected, Rebels could fall in their.

I think on a high level its a fine idea, but the realistic matter of actually figuring out how to tag the cards is pretty tricky.