I'm very tired right now. These are leaks but since official spoilers start tomorrow I'm just going to throw up my hands, say "whatever" and share them anyway.
Ugin confirmed, and new Chandra! I don't know if she's good or bad. My gut says good but I'm having a hard time thinking right now...
Good reprint!!
My Baneslayer Prediction was correct . I'm happy she's not Akroma.
New Walker!
I actually really like this guy in cube. He's a quintessential "army in a can" style card for aggro decks that also just so happens to fit right into counters shells. I like this a lot and may even test it if I open it.
Some of you may be into the common, but I'm a bigger fan of Demonic Embrace. It makes a little dude big, gives it evasion, and is re-castable. Seems like a very good card for riptide style cubes.
There was also a different Teferi leak which may be a leak but may also be fake and a legend which WOTC is pricing out which appears to be from Ixalan but hasn't been fully spoiled yet.