General Multicolor Cycle Cube

So, I'm making a modern-bordered multicolor cycle cube and want to add a lot of cycles of multicolor cards (cards with multicolorred activated abilities are good too) and I kinda ran dry. I already have cycles from Ravnica, Alara, shadowmoor and eventide. Any others that seem fun.
Fixing: Gates, Panoramas, Alara tricolored, borderposts, Ravnica Signets, Cluestones, Keyrunes, Bouncelands, Vivids
rest: Guildmages, Outlanders (alara), GuildChampions, Guildleaders, Alara 'blade' cycle (those that get +1/+1 and an effect when you ocntrol another multicolored permanent), The comon and uncommon Hybrid cycle (Ravnica), the charms (Ravnica & Alara), Battlemages (Alara), Fuse cards (both uncommon and Rares), Sojourners, Nephilims
Your link isn't updated, it's missing some of the stuff you listed.

A local retired his gold cube before I could fill his brain with my nonsense, so I've been holding on to my w-w-wall of cards!

I always wanted someone to ride the nut high of natural-tutoring the angel's herald cycle (same costs, different colors, all heralds) into these bad boys:

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Be careful with cycles. As I told one of my regulars who's starting to build his own cube - which coincidentally also has a heavy multicolor slant with lots of cycles - cycles don't inherently impress anyone except the designer. When you're drafting, and you see a bunch of good cards and along with a random Naya Charm, you won't think "Oh sweet, one fifth of the Alara cycle!". You'll just mutter "Ugh", pass it along to the next person, who will inevitably do the same thing, and those lame duck members of cycles will table continually.

Cycles scratch a certain OCD designer itch, but aside from that, I'd be cautious about including too many of them. Appreciating your cube aesthetically from afar as if it were a museum piece is one thing; making a fun, draftable, interactive, and layered experience that holds up well over multiple playthroughs is quite a different thing.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Out of curiosity, what non-land cycles exist out there that are actually worth including in their entirety in a regular cube? The Titans? The Dark Confidant/Tarmogoyf cycle?

Chris Taylor

Out of curiosity, what non-land cycles exist out there that are actually worth including in their entirety in a regular cube? The Titans? The Dark Confidant/Tarmogoyf cycle?

Swords I guess (Assuming you roll that way, I personally don't like Body and Mind)
There's a few manarock cycles I like. all 10 signets are probably too much, and nobody really likes rakdos signet, but I'm running all 5 talismans at the moment.

There's really not many. Unless the whole cycle is colorless or SUPER pushed, it's really hard not to have a dud in there somewhere since designing cards in such constraints is hard
The Dark Confidant/Tarmogoyf cycle?
I was thinking about starting a thread about red's "power 2 CMC card" but I think too many people are enamored with young pyromancer so it'd go nowhere, but I personally don't think that's on the level of the others.

As far as cycles in a regular cube I run the obelisks for fixing and because I think 2-CMC ramp should be green. Maybe the minor god cycle will be cubeable!!! (right...)
I think that prior to Pyromancer, most people would answer Goblin Piledriver, which obviously sucks in cube. It's a tough spot to be sure, and true, Pyromancer is definitely not in the same league as the rest of them.

Chris Taylor

I think that prior to Pyromancer, most people would answer Goblin Piledriver, which obviously sucks in cube. It's a tough spot to be sure, and true, Pyromancer is definitely not in the same league as the rest of them.

I guess 4 card cycles count? or maybe green has 2 since lotus cobra, amirite?