Just for reference, searching for "cycling" in scryfall gives 269 hits 
I love cycling as a mechanic. If you want the cards that only trigger off of cards that cycle to be approximately as good as they are in Ikoria limited, you're going to need ~60 cards with cycling to get your as-fan ratio to a similar state. If you manage to do that though (which isn't hard at the peasant power level, mind you, you've already selected 32 options!), you're going to have a fun and interesting archetype for your drafters.
60 is a lot! I like cycling and all, but I’m not sure I can hit that kind of density without screwing up a lot of archetypes. I think I’m leaning more towards the White Weenie buildarounds because they have base stats that are more usable in peasant. The only danger is luring someone into thinking there’s a greater density of cycling support than there actually is....it’s why I’m more hesitant to include astral slide and escape protocol. I don’t want to be ham-jamming shimmering barrier and the like.