General Petition to Nullify the ‘No spoilers talk’

Vote ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay’

Petition to nullify the policy on this cube forum where we are forbidden to discuss newly spoiled MtG cards until after they have been released with the exception of the spoiler thread.


Ecstatic Orb
I'm not personally bothered by seeing spoilers outside, but I can see why others would, and I have no problems keeping spoilers to the appropriate thread for those who like their prerelease to be a surprise!

Edit: To clarify, that's neither a yay, nor a nay. I don't have any personal strong opinions on this matter and will adjust either way.
I'm in favor of removing it. It never really made much sense to me in the first place. Trying to have discussions sidestep already known information to avoid spoilers, especially in narrow threads discussing specific aspects of cube or design questions, is downright pointless. What the point of pretending that the card-that-shall-not-be-named is some pariah? Especially when we'll be talking about it in two weeks anyway? Get rid of it.
I didn't even think of this as a rule either way- people always seem to discuss spoilers outside of dedicated spoiler threads when the cards are actually relevant to an ongoing conversation (see- Maul of the Skyclaves in Elite Equipment).

It's so hard to avoid spoilers these days if one is actively participating in the magic community discourse that I don't think we need to have special protections for the 4 people who still like to go to prereleases blind. While I respect the decision of people who wish to try and keep new sets a surprise, I would direct them towards this meme:
I do like seeing all the spoilers and discussion in the same thread, but at the same time I find that its unrealistic to go to a Magic forum and not see at least a few spoilers. So I'm staying neutral in this debate I guess.
If spoiler season was more like the War of the Spark spoiler season then I would go for a hard, "all spoilers in the spoiler and discussion thread please" because that was really fun to see each part of the story spoiled day by day. But so far that's been the only time when I didn't want to see the latest spoiler until I caught up on other ones.
Voting yay does not mean we will get rid of the spoiler threads. It simply means that it will allowed to mention a Zendikar Rising landfall creature in a thread about Aggro Landfall. It means it will be allowed to mention Maul of the Skyclaves in the Elite Equipments thread. It currently isn’t allowed.

Those were the pros I wanted to mention (being free to mention any card in any thread.)
Cons: If a person wish to stay spoiler free, they will have a hard time.

And with that I vote yay

Finally: I am not the judge. Perhaps Jason is?
Does anybody actually try and avoid spoilers?
I second this question. I feel like they probably don't if they're here. Someone reply to this if you're actually going to be bothered.

The flip side is that I have two ZNR related posts to make, but I'm not going to make them without (ci) tags anyways.
I would vote yea to taking that rule away. A true hardcore "no spoiler" person should accept that they just need to stay off the internet for a couple weeks. Spoilers are just too widespread.
It is a poll :p

But maybe I forgot to create an actual poll and just said ‘vote’ :p Please use words and vote. Let the admins decide how they wish to proceed with the result in hand.
As I remember it, the issue wasn’t people wanting to avoid seeing spoilers, but that it was better for discussion to centralize posts about a new set during spoiler season. I think it’s fine to talk about new cards anywhere, but if your post is just to reveal a spoiler without any other context it should go in the set’s thread. More specific talk can go elsewhere, but should come with more effort than a link to the card image.

Just my opinion though!
This isn't 1995 where we're drafting without knowing what's in the set. The only thing you're doing by avoiding reading the cards until the set is out is giving yourself a competitive disadvantage.

On the other hand, posting about stuff in threads without having played with the cards first is not as good as posting after you've had actual experience with the card (though that's never stopped us before...) IDK. I'd rather have the option to talk about cards rather than not.