General Questions / topics for Dom Harvey podcast

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Later this week I'll be chatting with Dom Harvey on a variety of cube / other topics. Have a topic you'd like us to weigh in on? Drop it here!
  1. What are your pet cards in cube?
  2. Which unique cards stick out in a cube list and make you want to try it out?
  3. Of the draft variants/additions you've tried over the years (ex. Utility Land Draft), what's been your favorite/the most interesting?
  4. What's the most interesting deck you've ever played (in both Constructed and Cube)? Why was it particularly memorable?
  5. When did you start playing Magic? How has the game changed since then?
  6. Aside from Magic, what else do you do for fun? Has it been more/less difficult to do so during quarantine over the last year?
  7. What are your top 3 go-to albums to listen to on a long drive?
  8. Does pineapple belong on a pizza?
Second Onder in saying that Shamizy covered a lot of ground!

One thing I thought of: opinions/thoughts on the best ways to select multicilor cards for a guild archetype.
I think it would be interesting to hear how Dom's career as a competitive player influences his design decisions in his cube. Are there types of decks or play patterns that he tries to include or avoid because they were fun or not fun in constructed?
What are some common pieces of advice/common heuristics about Cube that Dom thinks are misunderstood?
In the same vein as Aston's question, what are some themes Dom thinks are underutilized? What themes are overused?
What is it that makes a Cube great for him? (Originality, depth of gameplay, etc.?)
What's the question he's been dying to answer but hasn't been asked?
What would his dream Secret Lair look like? Or, more generally, what would his dream Magic product be?
What part of Magic's future is Dom most excited about, whether it be mechanical space, creative direction, etc.?
If you could make one crossover with Universes Beyond, what would it be?
What's your favorite block or set? Least favorite? Why is Kamigawa your answer for both questions?


Staff member
If you are going to do multiple of these I like ending on some meme question that you can ask every guest. I like Zoss's idea of '*insert names*'s secret lair'. They get put together 5 cards that they have a particular attachment to and justify their reasoning. Maybe make it their 'cube essentials' to make it more on brand to what you are doing.

I want to know how often Dom plays cube on MTGO and which of the cubes has been his favourite.