To loot or not ?

Which is fine, but its still not as good as it normally would be, because a tempo blowout exists at common. I don't know how far down I would scale it, but it certainly has to be scaled down somewhat.

My instincts though is that fof would be better? Isn't it pretty close even before silent departure plays? Legit curiosity here: fof is a hell of a card.

I think whether Fact or Fiction or Control Magic is better is fairly dependent on your opponent's deck. If they pressure you, I would guess Control Magic is the pick; if not, Fact or Fiction is probably going to be better. If they have one bomb that's hard to deal with, Control Magic shines; if they have several pretty good but not great threats, Fact or Fiction will let you trade 1-for-1 and recoup the cards.

Overall, P1P1 I'm on Control Magic, but I could see an argument for FoF too.