General Vakeztan - The Riptide Lab Set

This time I managed the title without an akward typo. Things get better.

Okay first: I don't wanna stomp in everything we worked on so far!

Our last thread seemed to dry out a little bit lately, which was probably partly my fault. First, I was busy, but second - more importantly - I felt like we had a great baseline but we were heading towards a good set. Like, a set you enjoy playing for a few weeks until the next on comes out, but which will never be remembered as being something super sepcial. Yeah, I know, it's hard to say something when we barely designed some cards, but I think when we design this thing bottom up and not top down, we could achieve more.

The faction we have already can be kept (although we can cut what we want), they might be changed a little, and we can add more cultures/cities/towns/people to give this even more depth - but without making certain groups the central focus of this set.

Mechanically, we could also rely on what we figured out so far. But if we want this set to be created bottom up, we should figure out keywords and other mechanics as well as draft strategies before we set on all the world building details.

I'm thrwoing out my thoughts to some mechanical things and I wanna hear opinions and ideas!

Even if we decide not to do (that many?) 3-colored cards and stuff, I'd still be in for keeping cycling as a general smoothing mechanic for the set. It smoothes out draws and supports all kinds of graveyard/discard strategies. I'd suggest having it a fair amount in every color, with maybe some stronger asfan/focus in {U}{B}? We could also add for example {W} and distinguish between discard matters (maybe with retrace) in {U}{B} and cycling matters (reduce costs, cards with cycling in yard) in {W}{U} or so.

We went through so much for this mechanic, let's not cut it now. It allows for interesting designs and gives the whole world of Vakeztan with it's wild nature a nice identity. I would say having it centered in {G} is the best fit, and then there could be ~3 in every other color. To gibe the Khunda Tribes an identity as beast tamers, we could give {W}{B} more "when becomes tapped"-triggers and P>T creatures. Makes also sense to have less wild beasts in {W} and less taming in {G} from a color philosophy point of view.

Power boosting equipment would be a great fit with the Tame mechanic and I'm still pretty happy with the Smithing mechanic, I designed before. The stoney City of Nipur should still be the home for the latter one, but it seems cooler as place where people became good at crafting weapons than as a guild-like faction. I'd set the mechanic in {R}{W}, which would give that pair something more interesting already than "just aggro". Beyond that I could see a bit of the equipment theme in {U} (maybe more as an artifact theme?).

Having two mechanic that tackle discard from a different angle, could be leading to a cool subtheme or two (I still like {U}{B} discard), but it could also be too much? Also, which colors would that mechanic be home in? I think the sultai colors we've been before are a good fit, but I'd also like to see it in {R} so we could maybe create an "instants/sorceries in graveyard matter" theme for {U}{R}.

A Retrace Variant
"You may cast this spell from you graveyard by exiling a card, that shares a cardtype from your graveyard in addition to this spell's other costs." Something like that would work well with cycling and it would feel not that wrong to leave out {G} (mostly), which already has so many potantial mechanics.

Onderzeebot's Swarm mechanic is sweet. I'd like to see it in the set, but we'd have to check whioch colors it can go in and also if we keep the Chinri invaders. Maybe focussing on the world/region we're in would be better than introducing it together with an invading party? It would also be another mechanic that has to be in {G} kinda.

I'd say the set could easily support 5-6 mechanics, but we have to keep an eye on the colors. {W} has not much beyond Equipmentsmithing. Cycling, Tame and Smithing are the 3 I'm really hyped for currently. Give me your ideas, guys.
I'm not a huge fan of the wedge idea anymore, at least not as the main idea.

The overarching idea? I don't know, we could call it the rough, wild world maybe, like a more believeable, authentic, deeper, all colors involving version of Jund. But that's something we should adapt based on the mechanical identity. Also, I don't really like the "theme park world" style MtG is going lately. Egypt-World, Greek-World, Steampunk-World, a place could be more interesting than that.
Here's my opinion: If you really want this to be something special, design it to be drafted as a cube, not as a retail set. Don't limit yourself to set skeletons or common/uncommon NWO ideas. Decide what you want game play to look like and build exciting cards around those styles. Craft unique supporting pieces that make decks smooth, reduce variance, and feel good to play. Do something that WoTC can't or won't due to constraints they have on their sets.

I know its much easier said than done, but that's what I think will make a custom set special.
Here's my opinion: If you really want this to be something special, design it to be drafted as a cube, not as a retail set. Don't limit yourself to set skeletons or common/uncommon NWO ideas. Decide what you want game play to look like and build exciting cards around those styles. Craft unique supporting pieces that make decks smooth, reduce variance, and feel good to play. Do something that WoTC can't or won't due to constraints they have on their sets.

I know its much easier said than done, but that's what I think will make a custom set special.
This is basically what I'm going for with my custom cube:

I'm trying to make a cube that's just really fun to play with. It's low-powered and emphasizes limited fundamentals. Thematically, it's kind of all over the place because you can only do so much without an art department.

I just (re)discovered this forum, any feedback is appreciated c: