General What cards make you excited to draft Green and/or White decks?

Meren is stupid. Get shardless, coiling oracle is balls. Monastery Mentor is super cool, how much is it? Only other I'd care about much is recruiter.
Ah yes, GW:
Voice and Glare of Subdual are really powerful.
I love Knight of the Reliquary.
Kitchen Finks
Restoration Angel
Eternal Witness
Birthing Pod
Champion of the Parish
Green Sun's Zenith

I think those are all repeats of other peoples', so +1

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Meren is stupid. Get shardless, coiling oracle is balls. Monastery Mentor is super cool, how much is it? Only other I'd care about much is recruiter.

I feel like Flip Nissa is a pretty nice ramp incentive that I'm currently missing. Mentor is 11.5 tickets currently.
Flip nissa may be cool, I haven't proxied it and wont buy it until rotation, but I'll test it at some point. Most of my ramp is creature based, though

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I feel like Flip Nissa is a pretty nice ramp incentive that I'm currently missing. Mentor is 11.5 tickets currently.

I don't get it, this is just a really midrangey card. It helps you hit land drops, but doesn't actually ramp you. It doesn't work with creature ramp, and once it flips you get an ok planeswalker. It's a ton of value for a 3-drop, but I don't get how this is a ramp card.
I don't get it, this is just a really midrangey card. It helps you hit land drops, but doesn't actually ramp you. It doesn't work with creature ramp, and once it flips you get an ok planeswalker. It's a ton of value for a 3-drop, but I don't get how this is a ramp card.
it's a fine ramp card. Incentivizes using land-ramp to get to 7 asap, provides an early body for the weaker early game, and is a solid finisher. Of course requires adequate land ramp.

It also doubles as a fine control win-con/card advantage body.

and triples as a sweet midrange play to smooth your draws into the midgame.

Deep card is deep (imo).
I love Flip Nissa, she gives you some sweet card advantage if you're the ramp deck into the late game by either drawing you gas or clearing out lands from the top of your deck. She's a very cool card and it's only been laziness that has kept me from moving from my EDH deck to my actual cube list.
If you have a dedicated ramp deck in your Cube, Nissa is a reasonable body early with the threat of being incredible late... and is an incredible topdeck late.

If only all my mana dorks and rampers turned big on T7...

((I know she doesn't -strictly- ramp you, but tutoring a forest to your hand smooths out land drops and synergizes with many ramp effects.))