Sets [OGW] Oath of the Gatewatch Spoiler Thread

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I'm not sure there's enough colourless matters cards that I like for me to make it a theme I think.

Yeah, I'm in this boat too. While I think colourless-matters cards are a sweet idea, I can't get behind adding just a dozen cards that make use of the new colourless mana symbol. It'd be a little bit like adding a sixth colour to the cube, but only having 1/4 of the depth of any other colour, which would make it a) hard to draft enough cards to justify a splash in the first place, and b) too shallow to devote much design space to, as far as two-colour archetypes go. Kind of a shame, because I was ready to beef up my colourless utility land section.
I'm not sure why so many peeps are saying over pushed on Sylvan Advocate?
How many land creatures do y'all run in your average Gx deck?
Isn't this a nifty extra little payoff for getting that Hissing Quagmire?
It's removable every way to Sunday.
It scales hella slower than Goyf does, it's a 4/5 on T5/6, probably., Goyf can get there T2, if things go right (fetch -> handhate -> artifact creature).

I dunno, I really like it as a cool scaling beater. Will Play.

2/3 for two that will smack down everything early in an aggro deck in my cube at least. 2/1s become really bad when they can't block and they're just running into a brick wall. Sure, you can always fire off removal at it, but do I really want to encourage people using premium removal on a stupid 2/3 for 1G when they should be saving it for the bigger beefier creatures that green can deploy early as T3?

I dunno, maybe if it didn't have vigilance I'd be more on board. If I open a copy I'll try it out, but I'm not going to buy one.
Do you not have 3/2s for 2 though? like that's the natural progression after 2/1s for 1 and wizards haven't been stingy about printing em lately
I personally don't see the appeal of the 2/3 vigilance guy that makes manlands more broken (they are good enough as is). But that's just me. Also not going to run any of the colorless matters stuff, at least for now. But that's probably not a surprise.

We did get really sweet gold cards though. For sure running Jori and Relector. Maybe Mina and Denn, Wilborn for landfall support, but I don't have a good cut identified for that card yet. I need to look at the rest of the spoiler. That new equip feels like a mini hero of bladehold. I do not like those types of cards (ones that make resources for just attacking), and this one will be much harder to remove. If it's cheap, I'll get a copy but I doubt I'll run it.
Not for 2, not any interesting ones at least. My aggro decks are usually centered around a critical mass of early 2/1s and some removal to clear out bigger threats to continue applying that early pressure. I just don't like that a 2/3 for 2 can't easily be taken down in my cube without removal. Like if it were a 3/2 I'd be completely fine with it because a lot of 1s and 2s I run can actively trade with it. At 2/3, however, it's going to win the combat step against just about every 1 and 2 drop in my cube. And then it can attack or defend the next turn with no issues.

Like, if you're a BW Aggro deck and keep a hand with like double Bloodsoaked Champion and a Champion, maybe a Thalia, that's a sick hand in the early game in many matches. But if you're on the play then:

Opp: Forest
You: Godless Shrine, shock myself, play Champion
Opp: Forest, Sylvan Advocate
You: Fuck my life
I agree. That third point of toughness is really meaningful, especially on an early creature. It's why I think Reflector Mage is going to be much better in practice because Man-o'-War is a really bad blocker so it's not great in decks that don't want to be swinging early. That coupled with the delayed recast, I think that card is going to be great in every single UW deck - fast or slow.
I need to do some more sketching out of ideas but I would like the advocate if I tried to make Gruul into a lands (land creatures) matter theme, with the two new Embodiments, Skarrg Guildmage, Nissa Worldwaker etc etc. Don't know if the density is there or if plays nicely with other themes (without building a cube up around it). Would also work with Dragonmaster Outcast and Scute Mob.
I agree. That third point of toughness is really meaningful, especially on an early creature. It's why I think Reflector Mage is going to be much better in practice because Man-o'-War is a really bad blocker so it's not great in decks that don't want to be swinging early. That coupled with the delayed recast, I think that card is going to be great in every single UW deck - fast or slow.

I did think I like Lyev Skynight better in Azorius, but your comment about fast and slow decks with reflector mage does give me pause.
Wait, champ of the parish? Your T2 Swamp > bloodsoaked > bloodsoaked, swing?

Yeah, there's that, but instead of being able to push through an extra 2 damage next turn, they'll likely have another blocker ready and all of a sudden you've only got Champion able to push on through. Instead of trading with their early drops, applying pressure and clearing the way with your 2 Shieldz, you can only attack with one guy. This is pretty much a best case BW Aggro hand in most matches (Champion + growing twice on T2), but imagine if you didn't have the Champion and instead something like Mardu Woe-Reaper. You're hurting bad unless you get rid of the Advocate somehow.

2/3 Vigilance for 1G is a bit much that early imo. Take away that 3rd point of toughness, flip P/T or get rid of Vigilance and I'd be more on board.
I did think I like Lyev Skynight better in Azorius, but your comment about fast and slow decks with reflector mage does give me pause.

Lyev is really good actually, but I think better in more aggressive flavors of the color pairing. But I could be wrong about this. Lyev is going to be my cut FWIW.
Lyev is really good actually, but I think better in more aggressive flavors of the color pairing. But I could be wrong about this. Lyev is going to be my cut FWIW.

it's a good card but yes i'm cutting it here also. it's really good both in aggro and control b/c it's a 3-power flier, so either it bashes in or actually trades with that annoying threat.

There was a brief point where I cubed Chief of the Edge more for the stats than the mini anthem (almost never relevant even with champs). Fortunately there are better options but I really think not having any 3/2s available to trump 1/3s is something you can and should correct. plus some of them are really fun!

Chris Taylor


Man, the last thing I need is a conditional doom blade for 5 mana, but man is this card sweet :p


Also solid. Hits wall of omens and goblin guide
Everyone who has the support and bolstering and travel preparations from their allies, who's been training for this moment, all of them bumrush big ol' O'ziimeq or whoever's cool these days and topple that big sumbitch. What a neato way to take town an eldrazi / titan!
Wow. Both those cards are pretty cool. I love that Searing Light hits both attacking or blocking, so it's less narrow than many other options. I'll have to inventory how many 2 power creatures versus those with more I have. And is that finally the (semi) fight card we've been waiting for? Bummer it costs 5 mana though. A weaker version of that at 1G would really make me happy. You still need a big enough creature so it's not like it's unconditional.
Over in the low-power I did a tally, including tokens and other less-than-ideal creatures, and I got to 134 (actually like 137), which is like 70% of my creature base. Talk about removal spell, but also a little better for control!


—am i missing anything?
—is it worth it to try an equip theme now (along with the colorless / artifact theme)?
—why does everything cost freaking 3 or 4? what do we do about it?
—what do we do with the ULD? I like the idea of unlimited blasted landscapes.


matter reshaper
warping wail
bearer of silence
oath of nissa
oath of chandra
sylvan advocate
fall of the titans
inverter of truth
stormchaser mage
overwhelming denial
eldrazi displacer
sifter of skulls
reflector mage
eldrazi obligator
jori en, ruin diver
spatial contortion
reckless bushwhacker
goblin dark-dwellers
mindbreaker demon
world breaker
kozilek’s return
nissa, voice of zendikar
crush of tentacles
ayli, eternal pilgrim
kozilek, the great distortion
wandering fumarole
hissing quagmire
needle spires
all is dust

pia and kiran nalaar
whirler rogue
thopter spy network
tezzeret the seeker
relic of progenitus
tangle wire
pristine tailsman
nevinyrral’s disk
palladium myr

stoneforge mystic
lightning greaves

sea gate wreckage
corrupted crossroads

unlimited blasted landscapes?

Chris Taylor

My eyes glaze over when I see a pile of cardnames I haven't fully connected with cards yet, so please if you're going to tell me what you're adding, do it VIA image dump :p

Interesting things I found in the big "Set is done" spoiler dump:

Interesting impulse that fills the graveyard. Its not the mono-green gristly salvage I want, but we're getting closer!


As mentioned, this is a 3/3 and an 0/6 for 2W. I feel like this is missing a condition or something? Like I keep reading it wrong and it's actually not that great because I'm missing like "if you control an ally" in the text box somewhere.
But then I read it again and it's good. Pod the wall away, I don't care! It's also this weird kind of both defensive (since it's an 0/6) and agressive (since the land has haste if you do this on T4)
Cautiously optimistic, since tying up my lands always feels dirty, and was a large part of why none of the awaken cards from BFZ have lived on in my cube, despite pitching to force.


I've basically got 5-6 copies of this card in my cube already, but with different tiny upsides, and 2 toughness. However, this one has three distinct advantages:
-It's a merfolk
-It's an ally
-It's available in foil

I'm not the kind of weak willed person to swap out custom cards for real cards at a power downgrade for aesthetics only, but I like where this is going. Some set someday they'll make the blue version of seeker of the way, (Notice this is common instead of uncommon) and I'll be a happy camper.


One of the green custom cards that makes its way in and out of my cube is a giant growth/mending touch split card, and it's been pretty good. This is both, but it's in the wrong color (for me anyways) at the cost of being one less damage.
This is a real good combat trick!


Speaking of real good combat tricks, this is another card I'm surprised hadn't been made yet. It's no predator's strike, but it's also red, one of the double strike colors. I'm not doing that theme anymore, but anyone with that or heroic in mind in red should consider this card, it plays REAL well