Recent content by Kranny

  1. Kranny

    Article Podcast - Joy of Cubing - Supporting Combo

    I think combos like 'big cheats' and even ramp and reanimator allow bigger cubes the opportunity to play combo without sacrificing power. There's really nothing worse than setting up a storm deck or two-card combo in a larger list only to find out you couldn't loop the other half. This is one of...
  2. Kranny

    Card/Deck [SCD] Opposition

    I've had a soft spot for Opposition ever since it was in Standard. It's both powerful and fun to build around. It can feel a lot like playing against Armageddon, so I definitely wouldn't recommend it if your group isn't into these kinds of cards. Like others have touched on in this thread, you...
  3. Kranny

    Card/Deck Varolz, the Scar-Striped

    I am currently running Varolz and like him quite a bit. He doesn't slot in as a splash card like other B/G options, but he plays very well with both colors. He's very unassuming which makes him go later in draft than he probably should. Unsure if there are better options for the sacrifice effect...
  4. Kranny

    Article Podcast - Joy of Cubing - Supporting Combo

    Happy 4th of July, all! The latest episode of Joy of Cubing is up! This week I am joined by Adam Prosak to discuss supporting combo. We discuss various builds, support cards, and archetypes. Enjoy! Joy of Cubing - Supporting Combo Anyone having luck supporting some off-the-wall two card...
  5. Kranny


    Sorry for the radio silence lately. We have been spending all our extra energy searching for and purchasing a house. As of Friday, we finally have all the paperwork in and are going into contract on a place. Here's for hoping the remainder of the process isn't as excruciating as getting here...
  6. Kranny

    Forum Aesthetics and Usability

    Loving the suggestions. Please keep them coming!
  7. Kranny

    General Store Owned Cube

    My local shop made a carbon copy of my list with proxies and ran events / loaned it out regularly. It was good for a few months, but ultimately died down when the owner couldn't keep up with it. If you were using real cards, you could probably get away with a Pauper/Peasant list and not feel...
  8. Kranny

    Card/Deck Supporting Pox

    First of all, love the primer and hope you continue to build it out and/or write a front page piece on it! As for Death Cloud, funny enough we just cut it last night in favor of trying out Rise of the Dark Realms from M14. I think Death Cloud is a great card, but as Eric pointed out, it's more...
  9. Kranny


    Currently desleeving my cube for an annual resleeving while I wait for my guests for Origins to get here. How can something be both therapeutic and incredibly obnoxious at the same time?
  10. Kranny

    Cube Tool How do you want to enter a cube list into a computer?

    Absolutely loving the brainstorming in this thread. To contribute, I absolutely hate updating my cube list. For me a simple In > Out functionality which pushes the outed card to an 0n-deck binder would be huge. I often remove cards from my on-deck binder to save space, so having a mini admin...
  11. Kranny

    RipLab Marketing

    I always thought something like this would be good to run at GenCon. If you had enough notice, you might even be able to rent a small space. As for a trip to MD, I've been wanting to visit the MD guys for a while, so it's definitely not out of the question. Jan might be a little rough, but maybe...
  12. Kranny

    [360][Modern] - Stubob's Cube

    I dont' think of first-picks as bombs, I think of them more as cards I want to open. Sure, Jitte and friends are pretty universally considered first-picks, but in this case I'm talking about the kind of cards that make you want to go deep. Some are just generally good role players like Survival...
  13. Kranny

    Site News Riptide Lab Road Map

    The latest change is up. Considering how most Magic players typically react to change I'll assume silence is a good thing. Expect another landmark on the road map in the next week or so. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. Kranny

    Site News Riptide Lab Road Map

    As you may have noticed, I am the newest addition to the Riptide Lab team. Many of you know me by Kranny, Kojiro (MTGS), or kstube (Twitter). For those of you who don't know me, I'm an impassioned cube designer and Magic player and when I'm not spending time with family or playing old console...
  15. Kranny

    [360][Modern] - Stubob's Cube

    Hey, Sterling. I have to say your list looks super solid. At first glance I couldn't even tell I was looking at a variant list. It's got all the raw power of a regular list, without the accessibility issues. A few questions: Do you think it's possible to run a list 100-200 cards larger? It...