Chris Taylor

We also seem to have collected two Chris-mages in short order.


the el disaster (not elevated) ...

i am a chris but i hate my name, 'christ-bearer' is an astonishingly inaccurate description of me (though i can only hope to live up to the late hitchens) and i think i've mentioned in this thread that it outs me as a gentile, which has had some financial consequences.

anyone here ever played magic while tripping?

also, i was gonna float the idea of a 'beer draft' where each person gets a first-pick and passes it on, but i realized that might be redundant
the el disaster (not elevated) ...

i am a chris but i hate my name, 'christ-bearer' is an astonishingly inaccurate description of me (though i can only hope to live up to the late hitchens) and i think i've mentioned in this thread that it outs me as a gentile, which has had some financial consequences.

anyone here ever played magic while tripping?

also, i was gonna float the idea of a 'beer draft' where each person gets a first-pick and passes it on, but i realized that might be redundant

Hahahah I was just having a little fun with the whole chris mages thing. Would propping up the government of Mercadia be more in line with your personality?

Onto the other bit, there was a time when I was a youngster when I took too much anxiety medication and the sombre hoverguards were all moving around in their pictures. Your Chris counterpart can verify this. That was madness. I'm glad I'm not prescribed that stuff anymore. You tell a kid to take as much as something as is needed when he's nervous and you're asking for trouble.

I knew a bundle of people who liked to smoke pot and play casually but it's never been one of my vices. One of our perennial JSS champs got pretty heavily into meth for a while though, that was kinda funny.
Are there any more people here who regularly play constructed tournaments? I just hate it to take all these cards out of my cube, but I find it just a waste of money to get a fifth copy of all those cards I am using for my constructed decks. o_O


anyone here ever played magic while tripping?

i tried a game while mescaline cactus kicked in once. it became harder and harder to see the competitive point of the game. eventually i started just discarding things eot instead of playing them (or even cycling them as it was an astral slide deck) because i felt like i was already "safe and had what i needed". didn't even finish the game, just stopped playing and started enjoying.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
At the risk of opening up a whole can of worms, I'm curious about the complaints I see on Twitter about the MTGO beta client that's being forced on us. What is it about the new client that's worse than the v3 client? This is a sincere question, as I rarely use MTGO, and have limited experience with both clients. The new client is slow and ungainly, to be sure, but I remember the v3 client having a clumsy interface itself. Is there a marked difference?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I haven't played it in a while, but when I did it was clunky, intrusive, and got in the way of the enjoyment of the game.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Are there any more people here who regularly play constructed tournaments? I just hate it to take all these cards out of my cube, but I find it just a waste of money to get a fifth copy of all those cards I am using for my constructed decks. o_O

Perhaps I'm an exception, but I pop cards out of my cube all the time to lend to people for constructed decks. I'm never cubing and playing constructed simultaneously, and use the same sleeves for everything, so I don't find it to be an issue.

If I didn't take cards out of my cube and wanted to play a Modern Pod deck, I would need 8 Birthing Pods :p.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
That more or less sums up how I felt about the v3 client, too, from my brief usage of it a long time ago. Is the new client a lot worse? It's a genuine question, I honestly can't tell.


vibe -- amazing! while coming down from acid in feb 2008 my bff and i played some absurdist games of super smash bros. common plays involved both the suicide (by car crash) and also the murder-suicide where donkey kong would take the opponent on his back and hurl them both down to hades

lucre -- i was violently depressed for a year and a half and was only with tons of time and indulgence and convalescence able to kick the neuroleptic (hard) and the antidepressant (easy). when they put me on ambien at some point during that whole affair things got infinitely worse. i hate ambien. but it did make me hallucinate mildly! like your anxiety meds.

standard --
modern --
legacy -- (rd8 / t8)

i think i'm the only one? i love competitive magic. it informs my design sensibilities and comprises much of my playgroup.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Instead of a single window, the new client has three windows (the board, the chat log, the game log) that don't stay locked in place (last I played, at least), and had to be rearranged every time you launched a game. Further, the visual display was more decorative than functional, and I found myself taking ~80% longer to play out my turns. It's was embarrassing for a Beta, and from the complains I'm hearing it hasn't improved.

In the end I simply have no desire to spend my money or time on that client. And jeez, even the free Netrunner OCTGN plugin manages to be visually superior.

Dom Harvey

v3 is an abortion but people have got used to it; it's a mark of how bad the new client is that people are comparing v3 favourably to it. The trading system is clunky and inefficient, deckbuilding is harder, the interface is clumsy, and the gameplay is confusing: there are things moving around all the time and the screen layout is awkward.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I do like how the whole client locks up for a minute every time I go into deckbuilding mode.

By like, I mean I would rather have a feral cat dig its honed claws into the tender flesh on my thighs.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I do like how the whole client locks up for a minute every time I go into deckbuilding mode.

By like, I mean I would rather have a feral cat dig its honed claws into the tender flesh on my thighs.

Geez, you value the minutes of your day much more highly than I do.
Currently desleeving my cube for an annual resleeving while I wait for my guests for Origins to get here. How can something be both therapeutic and incredibly obnoxious at the same time?
Hahahaha the sleeves I cannibalized from the remnants of our old cube to cover our dominion game and our descent overlord deck have finally seen their last days. I can't believe how much traffic those soldiers survived. I guess I'll have to find something interesting to watch to collect and re sleeve them all.


which sleeves do you guys recommend? i love the feel of the ones i have right now but past a few months they begin to age like an asian woman past the age of 50.

i know there's an mtgs thread about storage and sleeving and though those people obsess over details like that because their cube design is a v4-order abortion i think we here at riptide lab have EARNED THE RIGHT TO THAT SUBTLETY

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I don't recommend my sleeves, Ultra Pro red. But I have like 800 of them so there's no going back now.

They rip. Different packages have very different sizes. They aren't opaque (thanks Innistrad!). But my source of Magic income is CFB store credit and shipping sleeves is super expensive.