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  1. maccy

    Black Lagoon

    I finally somewhat figured out how to post some sample decks (if anyone has a better method, please let me know). Me: I tap Jegantha for WUBRG and bestow Chromanticore onto Siege Rhino Friend: I'd scoop but I kinda wanna see what happens next Me: I feel like I just had a lifechanging...
  2. maccy

    Black Lagoon

    Thank you! This makes me very happy. I hope to use the platform to log a story cycle about the cards in the cube, and eventually hope to have cards be a part of at least one. Thank you for the kind words. Admittedly, the name Black Lagoon is rather arbitrary and for my own use; usually people...
  3. maccy

    Black Lagoon

    Card Stories and musings (will be filled out as they happen/as I remember): Bonder's Ornament Ever since this card was printed, this has been one of my pet cards. I put it in most of my commander decks, including the mono-colored ones. Bonder's Ornament was one of the first cards I put in the...
  4. maccy

    Black Lagoon

    Planeswalker Drafting: Because the set was inspired by War of the Spark sealed, I’ve experimented with multiple versions of having a separate draft/distribution method for planeswalkers. This is optional, the cube is functional without having a separate draft, but to relive the WAR days, I’ve...
  5. maccy

    Black Lagoon

    Black Lagoon Hi everyone, I’ve been slacking in regards to maintaining my cube, but hoping by keeping a blog with musings and updates, I’ll be holding myself more accountable in terms of taking a more active role in playing and thinking about my cube (as of the date of the initial posting, I...