I sat down in SublimeText, came up with my list, and then "spent" 260 "extra" copies
relatively recently throughout the list. I went with 2 copies if I only wanted something to show up once in a while, 3-4 for most cards, and 6-7 if it's supposed to be a staple
or a build-around like
Baru, Fist of Krosa or
Caller of the Untamed that want you to have
tons of copies
EDIT: My test drafts of the GRUBE tell me that I need to go back to the drawing board. Drafting feels sloppy and some cards have shaped up to be must-grabs that I
really didn't expect. For one thing, I wanted
Selesnya Evangel +
Resilient Khenra to be a potential finisher, and I don't think that's going to work out with my current list.