Sets (AFR) Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Previews- Dripping with Flavor, and Excess Words!

this stacks up extremely poorly against Sublime Epiphany, which provides a similar effect (make a token copy of your own critter) with 3 more modes to boot

EDIT: it’s ofc not a one to one comparison as what you can copy is more broad, but you also must have more conditions met (a thing you want to copy AND a thing you want to turn into the first thing). and that’s all it does. im happy to be proven wrong but i think it will be very difficult in fair environments to find opportunities to use this that are indeed worth a card and 6 mana.
I don't really think many cubes have room for this.

That said, this is a lot more powerful than the token copy mode of Epiphany. This can target any creature on the battlefield for both halves, which is much more flexible. You can double up your finisher. You can make one of your creatures into one of your opponent's finishers. You can turn your opponent's finisher into a copy of the weakest creature on the battlefield. Turn one of the opponent's creatures into a copy of a legendary creature they have on the battlefield, blowing one up. Turn one of your creatures into a lethal creature after no blockers are declared. Etc. That's not even getting into the artifacts part.
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I don't really think many cubes have room for this.

That said, this is a lot more powerful than the token copy mode of Epiphany. This can target any creature on the battlefield for both halves, which is much more flexible. You can double up your finisher. You can make one of your creatures into one of your opponent's finishers. You can turn your opponent's finisher into a copy of the weakest creature on the battlefield. Turn one of the opponent's creatures into a copy of a legendary creature they have on the battlefield, blowing one up. Etc. That's not even getting into the artifacts part.
yeah, this one mode is much stronger than the token mode of sublime (except you don’t get ETBs which is actually kinda big).

however, i think the additional modes make Sublime superior as they’re much more generically useful
I thought writing my top 10 article for this set was going to be difficult given how many truly great cards there are, turns out there are actually quite a few cards I was able to talk about and I was never grasping for any straws. This set isn't great, but it's actually not bad either.

Damn it.

This seems very strong against control players. The card draw rate per life is half as high as on Sylvan Library. It’s colorless and cantrips when ETB.
True, but being forced to pay 2 during upkeep sucks and might be a reason that Pyramid or Atlas will keep up. You might hold any kind of instant/flash spell, that you'd like to keep up during opponents turn, which might convince you to not pull the trigger on your upkeep. Then, if it turns out the opponent didn't do what you was preparing for, Pyramid or Atlas could still draw you a card eot.
I actually like that card. Perhaps not in cube, but I can see it being useful in constructed. Drawing a card on ETB is huge.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Personally I'm not wild on paying 4 mana and 4 life for my first divination in environments beyond retail. I think it's strong in the best case scenario, but even in Penny Pincher turns were often too constrained to crack clues, much less pay 2 life for the privilege to do so.
Now that all the cards have been spoiled:

My personal subjective verdict: This still feels like a Secret Lair with a theme I am not familiar with. I imagine it’s a hit with most D&D players. As with all sets, there are still a few cards I like and want. It is very fitting that this set replaces the Core set this year because both the Core sets and this set are completely non-canon. I like the adventure feel of the set. I think I’ll make a set for my cube with a mix of the three Zendikar blocks, Ixalan block and D&D with traps, quests, treasures and adventuring gear. There are many non-legendary ‘generic’ fantasy adventure common and uncommons that are really flavorful that I like. Especially the lower power ones. As for the legendary characters (creatures and planeswalkers) they are completely untouchable for me for the same reason I never create legendary custom cards. They create a false canon. This could have been the first set without planeswalkers since their debut in 2006 because they don’t make sense in Forgotten Realm but Wizards wanted planeswalkers to sell the set. And again it’s a set where most cards are wordy. I really, really like the Class cards because they can stand on their own feet but don’t want the Dungeons because they are somewhat parasitic. Including Dungeons would be the same as including infect or energy for me.


I would have given this set 4/10 but I am giving Wizards a point for being bold and taking the risk of creating something truly new like this.
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