Artifact centered Cube

I built this cube because I took tezzeret out of my main cube and really wanted to play cards like. Goblin Welder, tezzeret, and trading post again in an environment they would thrive in.

This cube is centered around artifacts so I want the archtypes to reflect that. This is currently beta v0.3 ( Green was hard to fit into the theme so im testing a +1 counter theme in its splashes. It also combos well with sunburst/modular)

White: is split between equipment based aggro and Blink

Blue: Blue is about cheating artifacts into play or ramping into them mainly with some blink/control thrown in as well.

Black : control and aggro ( plays better with other colours)

Red: reanimator and a steal your stuff and sacrifice it theme are heavy here, also plays well with white equipment aggro

Green: comparable to black in a normal cube there is alot of removal but I am tempering it to have a +1 counters theme for aggro options and manipulation off splash.

UW: is set up for a blink theme

UB: is now better set up for control but probably should be made to esper

BR: Reanimator

RG: designed to be more of a tempo style deck that can utilize +1/+1 counters

GW: can go into the equipment aggro theme or be control

WB: Aggro deck that wants to put artifacts into play every turn to buff their creatures

UR: Steal your opponents stuff and sacrifice it while continuing to advance your board

BG: Use corpsejack menace and doubling season to construct huge sunburst or modular creatures.(not sure about guildmage)

RW: Equipment based aggro

GU: (test) utilize +1/+1 counters (look at the list you will understand, probably too cute though. Ideas Welcome)

I would appreciate and insight on how to tighten up the archtypes or any card inclusions you think would fit the theme. I am trying to keep the cube at 360 so if you make a suggestion please also suggest a cut.